No, I’m not advocating a sort of Torah observance for Christians, but no matter how many times I encounter it, I never fail to be amazed by the dissonance the church creates when it comes to “the Law.” Even though it was instituted by Hashem (God), even though He fully expected ...
About 13 years ago, I was introduced to the Hebrew roots of my Christian faith and I began to see the full picture of what God has in store for "His people," both Christians and Jews. It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes, providing a much clearer view of God: His ...
The Image of Christians in Medieval Ashkenazic Rabbinic Literature R ecent scholarship has sought to characterize the way that Jews perceived Christians during the medieval period, focusing especially on polemical texts in which Jews shared their understanding of Christianity. 1 During the trial of the...
Why is the Book of Leviticus important for Christians? What are the sacred texts of Judaism? Who wrote the Torah? Why is the Old Testament in the Bible? Why is the Book of Chronicles important? Why is Passover celebrated? Why do Jews celebrate Sukkot?
I then realized that the Rabbi was correct. The Christian Bible is the New Testament and for many Christians it has precedence over the Old Testament. In other words, If the reader reads a passage in a letter from the New Testament and it is contradictory to a passage in the Old Testamen...
There are some lifestyle changes, but only make them as you become convinced through the study of God's Word. Most sincere Christians already follow 90% of the Torah and don't realize it. One more thing, salvation is not by works and never has been! It is by faith, through grace, ...
Rising Jewish Hatred Amongst Christians, Don't Join Martin Luther In Hellfire! Mall of America -- The Biggest Mall In The USA (Time For A Tourist Break!) Update On The Ministry: Reflections On Iowa State, Heckler Asks For Forgiveness, Holy Spirit Moves Powerfully Special 2023 8th Day of ...
It includes a complete Hebrew concordance of the Jewish Bible. Only $39.95.Level: Beginner - Expert. Click for details Torah Study Book: << Return Hebrew for ChristiansCopyright © John J. ParsonsAll rights reserved.
9、Playing with a dreidel is a big part of the Hanukkah celebration for Jewish children, since it commemorates a period where Jews were not allowed to study Torah by the Romans.───犹太人的小孩在光明节庆典中其中一个重大项目是玩光明节陀螺,由于它纪念了当时罗马人不准犹太人学习(犹太教)教律...
Break the shackles of manmade tradition We challenge Christians to escape the idolatrous "God in the flesh" anti-Torah Roman empire paganism and to return to the original pro-Torah faith of and in Yeshua (Jesus) which the New Testament actually advances. We call that faith "Yeshua Judaism"...