Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia Related to Haftorah:Haftarah haf·ta·rah orhaf·to·rah(häf′tä-rä′, häf-tôr′ə)·ta·rotorhaf·to·rotJudaism A passage selected from the Prophets, read in synagogue services on the Sabbath following each lesson from the Tora...
The Five Books— Pages for each of the Five Books of the Torah are organized around topics found in each book, with links to the Torah portions. Holiday Pages— Essays on each of the holidays are better organized and now easily navigable by topic. Scholarship and Faith— We now have pages...
All of Scriptures is a continuation of that fractal — and a fractal is a structure that gets repeated at different levels of complexity, which is how a small book can contain the entire universe (John 21:25). The story of the Father and the Three Sons for instance (in which one son ...
323-931-5997 Distribution & Copying of All Torah Lectures is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED in any Forms Including Links, Burning of CD's. Please mention source on CD with our phone number Listen Online to Over200,000Shiurim All lectures are free and can be downloaded for free. ...
Membership has its advantages! Who can be a member? If you are male and attend Shomrei Torah, we would love to have you as a member. Why should I become a member? In addition to the status and prestige of being a member of the Men’s Club, you will enjoy discounts on Men’s Club...
Tanakh book : Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace English translation books included : Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Tanakh book : Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim *PLS: perturbed ELS as explained by Witztum, Rips and Rose...
SchermanA linear translation of the Yom Kippur Viduy, with overview, commentary and insights based on Chazal and the classic commentators.(31 Pages)5.5′x8.5′Publisher: ArtScroll, 1987This item is sold by:Note: is the longest established Jewish book and Judaica store on the ...
READ JOEL ONLINE ‘Amos (Amos) – written by ‘Amos (Amos) ‘Amos is the tenth book in the Nevi’im (Prophets) section of the Tanach and is part of the Trei Asar – Twelve Prophets.Amos prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam, ruler of Israel and Uzziah, king of Judah when both ki...
After the first century, the Christian church began to drift away from following the Torah of Yeshua. As a result, first century Christianity rooted in the teachings of Yeshua, HIs disciples, the book of Acts and the writings of Peter, Paul, James and John was formally changed to "Greco-...
This website includes the sections from Torah Journeys that prepare you for the journey. For access to the applicable midrash and practices for each portion, you can purchase the book from theBookspage or click links on theTorah Portionspage. ...