Elsewhere (Siphre to 32, 13-135b 24) the Torah is plainly distinguished from the non-Pentateuchal books by the comparison of miqra and Torah. Besides the “written” Torah, 121=b 21121, the Judaism which holds to tradition speaks of an “oral” Torah, n l: 5=11, the commentaries ...
Torah. Now let's review what the scientific world has to say about the minimum cycle of the moon according to their research and measurement Let's see infront of me there's a page from NASA and its called the Earthmoon system the cycle and the comparison between the Earth and the moon...
s schedule rather than our own. Consider this comparison: theMoedimare to time what money is to tithes and offerings. Even as we grow in faith and understanding by honoring God with our money, so we learn of His redemptive plan and his sovereign rule through theMoedim. We learn that all...
This also leads me to conclude that Paul was using the term “apostle” to refer to those men in the most respected and authoritative positions in the first century community of believers: those who had known Yeshua personally and possibly their closest disciples. This would include the Twelve ...
Consider this comparison: the Moedim are to time what money is to tithes and offerings. Even as we grow in faith and understanding by honoring God with our money, so we learn of His redemptive plan and his sovereign rule through the Moedim. We learn that all time (like all of our ...