In the past, TopStep has offered Cyber Monday deals and coupon codes. Although I’m not sure if these TopStep coupon codes available on Cyber Monday will continue in the future. I also must note that these discounts are offered for a limited time. For a discounted price that extends past ...
Apex Trader Funding– Save 80% OFF Evals & One day Pass for a Limited Time with Coupon Code FXJEPTUV In a Nutshell:TopStepis a funded trader program that provides futures traders with an opportunity to access trading capital. While it supports 14 trading platforms, recent experiences and feed...
Topstep, like many proprietary trading firms, isn’t subject to traditional financial regulations in the U.S. They use their own capital and don’t solicit external investments, so they aren’t required to register with bodies like the National Futures Association or the Commodity Futures Trading ...