Products may be traded during normal electronic trading hours unless otherwise indicated. The Daily Loss Limit is an objective for your account and, if broken, does not count as a rule violation. If the Net P&L should hit or exceed the Daily Loss Limit during the trading day (5:00 PM ...
Embarking on the TopStepTrader Trading Combine journey offers you a structured path to showcase your trading prowess, adhering to set rules, and working towards your profit goals. This journey begins the moment you subscribe, with a monthly fee initiated from your sign-up date. For traders yearn...
Connect with like-minded traders, in-house Performance Coaches, and Topstep Ambassadors to get real-time support during the trading day. They can help with most any request right inside of Discord. Basically, this is a place where Traders are helping Traders. Get your questions answered and fin...
Trading Combine and Performance Coaching Let’s dig a little deeper into what makes TopStepTrader stand out. TheTRADING COMBINEis an evaluation program that assesses your trading skill and strategy. Through this, the company seeks to identify those traders who can consistently profit from the market...
The most honest TopStep Review. AsiaForexMentor is a preferred by traders platform where we get feedback from actual users who trades with TopStep.
Further Reading =>Most Popular Futures Trading Platforms of the Year Trading Platforms #1) Topstep TS Trader:This is an iOS and Android app (upcoming) as well as a web-based platform that is compatible with PCs and mobiles. Features include the Trading Combine trader evaluation process, TradingV...
The Trading Combine is not suggested for individuals with minimal trading experience. To promote responsible trading and mitigate Prohibited Conduct, such as exploiting the simulated environment, trading activity will be subject to review by our Risk and Compliance Teams. If Topstep identifies trading ...
TopStep stands out with its straightforward trading combine options, simple pricing structure, and attractive profit split offering. It also boasts an excellent support system for traders and a community where they can learn and grow. This platform may be particularly appealing to those who value an...
Those who perform well within the strict parameters of the Trading Combine are eventually rewarded with fully funded accounts. However, reaching this stage can be challenging, as the criteria for success are rigorous and not easily met by all traders. While TopStep is accessible to traders world...
The Trading Combine is not suggested for individuals with minimal trading experience. To promote responsible trading and mitigate Prohibited Conduct, such as exploiting the simulated environment, trading activity will be subject to review by our Risk and Compliance Teams. If Topstep identifies trading ...