Embarking on the TopStepTrader Trading Combine journey offers you a structured path to showcase your trading prowess, adhering to set rules, and working towards your profit goals. This journey begins the moment you subscribe, with a monthly fee initiated from your sign-up date. For traders yearn...
At TopStep®, a key component of the Trading Combine® program is the management of both success and setbacks. In the event that a trader violates the rules, particularly the Maximum Loss Limit, the account may need to be reset.
Elite Trader Funding offers more flexibility in trading rules and evaluation types. TopStep uses a structured Trading Combine with stricter rules but helps ensure discipline. TopStep TopStep’s evaluation process, known as the Trading Combine, is a unique two-step simulation that tests a trader’s ...
The concept of Topstep is for traders to create accounts and compete within simulated trials on the trading combine. The trading combine provides an insightful experience for the traders, personal risks are minimized, and in-depth knowledge of future trading is gained. Traders are held to certain...