And, well, that time came tonight when I saw an Ebay Seller offering a brand new TOPS SXB Skullcrusher Xtreme Tracker knife at an awesome price!! And I bought it. I happen to own several TOPS Knives Including a brand new TOPS Anaconda Hunters' Point, the one with the 9.5" blade. I...
Tops Skullcrusher's Xtreme Knife Series As the name suggests, this series is engineered for maximum durability and strength, suited for extreme conditions and intense use. Tops Sky Marshall Knife Series A tactical favorite, the Sky Marshall series is compact and tactical, with a design that excel...
TOPS SXB10-CAMO 骷髅粉碎者.迷彩款 Skullcrusher's Xtreme Blade 全长:400mm 刃长:238mm 刃厚:6.3mm 刃材:1095高碳钢 硬度:56-58HRC 重量:737g
私询TOPS 美国尖端战术 碎颅骨 Skullcrusher's X-treme Sidekick 1095钢 暗影黑色 冷兵刃物TOPS-SXS-01 来源: 来源: 私询TOPS 美国尖端战术 Steel Eagle SE107D 钢鹰 高碳钢T头 米卡塔 手柄尼龙套 三角洲直 ...