《Topology And Its Applications》是一本由Elsevier出版的数学-数学学术刊物,主要刊载数学-数学相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选SCIE来源期刊。该刊创刊于1980年,出版周期Monthly。2023年发布的影响因子
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS简称:TOPOL APPL 大类:数学 小类:数学 ISSN:0166-8641 ESSN:1879-3207 IF值:0.416 出版地:NETHERLANDS 点击咨询相似期刊 声明:①本页面非期刊官网,不以期刊名义对外征稿,仅展示期刊信息做参考.投稿、查稿,请移步至期刊官网. ②如果您是期刊负责人且不想本平台展示期刊信息,可联系...
《TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS》 期刊名缩写:TOPOL APPL 22年影响因子:0.583 issn:0166-8641 eIssn:1879-3207 类别: 工程技术数学物理社会科学 学科与分区: 数学(MATHEMATICS) - SCIE(Q4)数学,应用(MATHEMATICS, APPLIED) - SCIE(Q4) 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 出版周期:Monthly 出版年份:1980 年文章数:...
期刊全名 topology and its applications 期刊简称 TOPOL APPL 期刊出版周期 Monthly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0166-8641 期刊主页 topology and its applications主页 期刊评价 您选择的topology and its applications的指数解析如下: 简介:TOPOL APPL 杂志属于数学行业,“数学...
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS期刊的出版商是Elsevier,出版周期是每月一期,创刊年份是1970年。 TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS的国际标准连续出版物编号(Issn号)是0166-8641。 TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS目前的主编是Dikran Dikranjan。 近期想要快速发表文章的同学可以添加佩普科研助理咨询,佩普学术是专门为科研工作者投...
Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs, and Tracts(共34册),这套丛书还有 《Linear Algebra and Its Applications》《Post-Modern Algebra (Pure and Applied Mathematics》《Linear and Nonlinear Waves (Pure and Applied Mathematics》《Wavelets》《Optimality in Nonlinear Programming...
刊名:Topology and its applications 2012年第16期 摘要:Leader's fixed point theorem - being more general as some Banach, Boyd and Wong, Brow-der, Burton, Caccioppoli, Dugundji and Granas, Geraghty, Krasnosel'skiT et al., Matkowski, Meir and Keeler, Mukherjea, Rakotch, Taskovic, W...
Topology and Its Applications displays both the beauty and utility of topology, first presenting the essentials of topology followed by its emerging role within the new frontiers in research. Filling a gap between the teaching of topology and its modern uses in real-world phenomena, Topology and ...
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