By kcxo −m kpyaprilnanget.hTehtirsainssaplosortsduaptpaoirntendeebdyloeuAr and B with long axes along [112] and [200], respectively, we uncover significant transverse Hall-like signals in MR, which can not be simply attributed to the normal Hall-effect-related mechanisms. ...
6. Conclusions In this study, we put forward a method to sort out the topological relationship of a complex underground drainage network in urban areas, discussed the common topological errors of urban drainage network data and explained the basic principles that should be obeyed for correct ...
Maneedt:BA'sbinotdeyr/iboor disylmoceaettedreilnatiAo'ns mexetaenrisort.haIft tbhoedyinBtertoseuccthioens boof dAy'sAinatteraiovreratnedx, Be'dsgien,teorriofarcies, and B's interior is located in A's exterior. If the intersection of A's interior and B's interior is 253 empty, and ...