Topological properties of banyan-hypercubes are discussed, and a family of generalized banyan-hypercubes is defined. A banyan-hypercube, denoted BH(h, k, s), is constructed by taking the bottom h levels of a rectangular banyan of spread s and s/sup k/ nodes per level for s a power of ...
We analyse the fault-tolerant parameters and topological properties of a hierarchical network of hypercubes. We take a close look at the Extended Hypercube (EH) and the Hyperweave (HW) architectures and also compare them with other popular architectures. These two architectures have low diameter and...
We first give a concise mathematical definition for the hypernet and then solve the following problems for the hypernet of two levels: (1) shortest-path routing, (2) diameter, (3) connectivity, (4) minimum-height spanning trees, and (5) embedding of rings, tori, and hypercubes. 1998 Jo...
Our purpose in the present paper is to investigate different topological properties of the recently introduced star graphs which are being viewed as attractive alternatives to n -cubes or hypercubes. These properties are interesting by themselves from a graph theory point of view as well as they ha...
HPGRID: a new resource management architecture with its topological properties for massively parallel systemspeer–to–peerP2P grid networksgrid computinghypercubesisomorphic partitioningnode arrivalnode departureresource management architecturestopologymassively parallel systems...
Cycloarenes are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed by circularly fused benzene rings, which provide a potential cavity trap for metal ions. These polycyclic aromatics have been the focus of several studies due to their superaromaticity, magnetic and other electronic and geometric properties. The fi...
Finally, in Section 6, we study the extremal values of χ over hypercube orientations. Note that hypercube orientations have attracted attention in many areas. For instance, G. X. Tian [15] studied the skew energy of orientations of hypercubes, M. Levit et al. [9] studied Eulerian ...
Recently, Hsieh studied edge-fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity of FQ n, and Fang studied (bi)panconnectivity of FQ n. In this paper, we first give a result on the connection between FQ n and Q n, then applying known topological properties of hypercubes, we improve the results of Hsieh; also,...
We analyse the fault-tolerant parameters and topological properties of a hierarchical network of hypercubes. We take a close look at the Extended Hypercube (EH) and the Hyperweave (HW) architectures and also compare them with other popular architectures. These two architectures have low diameter ...
Hyper-star graph HS (2 n , n ) was introduced to be a competitive model to both hypercubes and star graphs. In this paper, we study its properties by giving a closed form solution to the surface area of HS (2 n , n ) and discussing its Hamiltonicity by establishing an isomorphism ...