One salesman replied rudely to me that no books sold from his bookstore were refundable. When I asked a saleswoman if I could talk with the manager, first she said that the manager was having a meeting, then she told me that the manager was out of town on a business trip. In the ...
Young and elderly people according to some topics of positive psychology.BarrosOliveira, Jose H
What types of books do people enjoy reading in your country? Vocabulary:Newspapers Chatting socialising with people, things to talk about, who you like to chat to, your voice (tone, changes in your voice, public speaking), people who gossip, chatting face to face vs by text vs online Clot...
Can you tell me about your hometown? How has your hometown changed over the years? Is there any way your hometown could be made better? Are there good transportation links to your hometown? What kind of jobs do the people in your hometown do? Do you have a lot of friends? Who is you...
What are animals thinking about? How to ask people for money? Why do all elderly people need to attend computer courses? Why should parents sign contracts with their children? Why is it a good idea to refuse to count the time? How to stop procrastinating?
Businesses should provide more work opportunities for the elderly. Cafes and restaurants need to consider encouraging the customers to bring their cups and mugs. Plastic straws should be banned on the national level. Schools should form an exact list of prohibited makeup and hairstyles. ...
People knew how to relax in a healthier way in the past than now. Do you agree? People in the past had more hobbies which made their lives interesting compared to people today. Do you agree? More and more elderly people are living at home alone with very little social contact. Why is...
Also, the elderly drivers’ low situational awareness affected their driving behavior with respect to the avoidance of vehicles merging at on-ramps. After the drivers drove on the expressway, we surveyed them on their impressions of using the SAE Level 2 system. The middle-aged drivers reported ...
Should families be responsible for the care of their elderly members? Is the assassination of a dictator morally justifiable? These topics are all challenging and appropriate to the age and maturity levels but are thought-provoking and likely to trigger some fascinating debates. ...
These are great and easy topics for your cause-effect paper. This article includes topic questions, videos, and links to help you find out how and what to write.