The result is a rather heterogeneous collection of "perspectives" on stress which, it is hoped, will stimulate readers to arrive at their own conclusions through its very diversity. When it was decided that Femando Lolas would join this endeavor at the end of 1984, it became clear that the...
The first and most common cause of “natural stress” is to be found in variable salinity environments. Therefore, with consideration to two of the examples chosen for this review (the Black Sea and the Lagoon of Venice) which show substantially lower salinities than the rest of the Mediterra...
over the observation period. The demonstration of accelerations offetal heartrate with acoustical stimulation and the correlation of a reactive acoustical stimulation test with the conventional nonstress test have led to use of such stimulation as part of the nonstress test in many centers.21,47,51...
Delivers up to date information on stress and related topics including anxiety, loneliness and sleep-deprivation
Should citizens have the right to own guns? Should sexual minorities have their own public bathrooms? Is traditional public education outdated and ready for an overhaul? Should high schools enforce a dress code or uniform? The effects of homework on high school students' stress levels and academic...
Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children? What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs? How does stress affect the body? History Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. ...
For psychologists, it is the process of adapting after faced adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. For architects and urban planners, resilience prepares cities to face and recover from natural disasters. For engineers, "is the ability to respond, absorb, and adapt...
In Part 3 the questions were related to the Cue Card topic. Unfortunately A.K. did not remember the exact questions. IELTS test paper #2 (General) Shared by N.M. who took a computer-delivered test. Listening test Part 1. A talk describing packages and trips to New Zealand and South ...
Whenthetwomaterialshaveidenticalelasticconstants,theconstantvanishes,andthesingularfieldaroundthetipofthecrackontheinterfaceissimilartothataroundthetipofacrackinahomogeneousmaterial.ThestressintensityfactorKiscomplex-valued(correspondingtotworealnumbers),whichisofdimension:stresslength 12i...
The roles of YouTube videos and YouTubers for getting information about political and societal topics are becoming gradually more important to young people