b) Electronics The electronics engineering can be divided in to two main divisions: The division which deals with electronic tubes themselves and the division which treats the circuits and the radiation fields. The second division mainly involves an application of the classical Maxwell theory.The gene...
Digital electronicscan be thought of as dealing with a world that's either black or white (or 0/1 or true/false), with no fuzzy gray areas between those levels. Samuel Wilensky tells howanalog designis the art of working in those gray areas, with designers required to optimize a circuit ...
13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ThunderSoft, a leading global provider of intelligent operating systems and end-to-end intelligent products and technologies, today announced the expansion of its operations inNorth... Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 51Talk Online Education Group Announces Third Quarter ...
This course provides basic knowledge of circuit theory and electronics. It also provides knowledge of the various devices that can be found in a microcontroller and how these are supposed to be used. capacitor superposition inductor circuit-analysis amplifier diode kirchoff-current-law electrical-circuit...
No Abstractdoi:10.1541/ieejeiss.138.1Dai KatoYokogawa Electric CorporationIEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems
I am Abdel Rahman El Samarji, I am an electrical and electronics engineer in IAU in Turkey,my research is about "Control For a DC Micro grid Feeding Uncertain Loads in More Electric Aircraft",and I want to publish my article in your journal because I am in process to continue my PHD....
Should parents control how much time their children spend using electronics and the internet? Are laws able to keep up with advancements in technology? Is cybersecurity being overlooked by businesses? Are Android devices better than Apple?
or system issues are of interest. Manuscripts that do not have sufficient overlap with subjects in the power electronics field should be submitted to other journals that relate to those fields. Possible subjects include circuit theory, component manufacturing technologies, and device physics. Manuscripts...
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA in Scimago Institutions Rankings H-Index 63 Publication type Journals ISSN 21563357 Coverage 2011-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal jetcas-eic@ieee-cas.org Scope The IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits...
D Zhang, S Li, Topic detection based on K-means. IEEE 2011 International Conference In Electronics on Communications and Control (ICECC). Ningbo, China. 2983–2985 (2011) HP Zhang, Q Liu, ZQ Cheng, H Zhang, HK Yu, Chinese lexical analysis using hierarchical hidden markov model. SIGHAN '...