Since the advent of social media there has been so much going on in the world with respect to the ease with which people are able to interact with one another so freely. Over the years we have also come to witness a lot of incredible things that have happened, easy solutions to problems...
Using a social intelligence tool, likeBrandwatch Consumer Research, for discovering trending topics on social media means you can be a lot more specific about the type of trends you want to unearth. You could either be looking at social trends within a particular topic, or trends within a part...
Social media platformsSurvival analysisCox regressionHot topics, as a common phenomenon on social media platform, play a major role in public opinion. This paper aims to discuss the issues about the duration of hot topics: which factors influence the duration of a hot topic on a social media ...
became trending topics on the social media platform Weibo the day he missed the gold.Many fans said he should be proud of his efforts. Even though Zhao failed to earn his second Olympic gold medal in Tokyo. what he stands for has not changed, and he continues to be an inspiration.1. ...
Posts about COVID-19 are flooding into social media so rapidly, it's often hard to know what deserves your attention. To help out, Medscape is wading through it all to highlight what we find to be the most interesting information for clinicians. ...
If a person becomes famous on social media thanks to his or her achievements, it could be a great promotion and add a lot to existing success. On the other side, if a person gathers likes and comments by liking content made by others and does not try to bring something unique to the...
📱 Persuasive Speech Topics on Social Media Do you have an account on at least one social network? Probably, yes. That means you have experienced its influence. People use social media as workplaces, ad platforms, portfolios, and communication tools. These web solutions occupy plenty of aspect...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 588 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2021) Research on the Communication Effect of Emoji Derived from Hot Topics on Social Media Yuting Li1,* Meijie Wu2 1 ...
These findings establish a benchmark for tracking the state of the evolution of the social media domain, while focusing the reader's attention on topics and theories requiring further inquiry. 展开 关键词: social networking (online dominant theory intellectual core meta-analysis social media research...
Social Scraper is a python tool meant for Detection of Child Predators/Cyber Harassers on Social Media instagramscraperfacebooktwitter-apitoolfinderpython3detectorcybersecuritygoogle-apiwebcrawlercyber-securitysocialmediapythontoolssocialmediascrapercybertoolpythontoolcyberharasserschildpredatorssocialscraper ...