Although the profession of environmental health science focuses on pathways for and modes of exposure and the adverse impacts to humans, the practice can be applied to the broader spectrum of the One Health approach and include the interfaces between and among humans, animals, plants, and the env...
Environmental protectionhas always been practiced by humans in one form or another. However, as anthropogenic pressures on the environment have escalated over the past century, the need for systematic environmental protection has increased. This has led to considerable experimentation with the domestic an...
Environmental Science (miscellaneous)2018Q4 Pollution2018Q4 SJR 2018NB0.11NB The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence...
Matter ExposureEnvironmental Radioactivity Measurements, Control, Mitigation and Management: Human & RadiationExplainable Artificial Intelligence for Atmospheric ResearchFeature PapersFeature Papers in Atmosphere ScienceGeometry in Meteorology and ClimatologyGIS Modeling and Remote Sensing: Insights into the Past, ...
Alternatives Magazine is about Promoting Environmental Awareness, Health and Fitness through Common Sense and Sustainable Life Practices.
On this special occasion, I am inspired to make some observations and comments on the state-of-the-science of landscape ecology as a tribute to this historic event. One may argue that the workshop galvanized a shift in paradigm and the development of an "identity" for landscape ecology. ...
M.J. Barnes, A. Kandratsyeu, L.M. Redondo, Marx generator prototype for kicker magnets based on SiC MOSFETs, Special Issue of Transactions on Plasma Science on Pulsed Power Science and Technology (2018), Submitted Y.H. Chin et al., Impedance and beam instability issues at J-PARC Rings,...
Some relevant topics are selected in this outlook, mainly on interactions of solids with water, the role of environmental colloids, the development of modern biochemical methods for diagnosis, the impact of chemical speciation on bioavailability and water technology, and the development of advanced ...
Moreover, people hold higher agreement on willingness to do rather than really doing the environmental activities. As a result, the next level with higher difficulty is daily protection activities. In addition, even if we focus on real environmental behavior, a big gap has shown on the achieveme...
and environmental protection applications. In the last 2–3 decades, a number of articles have been published that highlight hydrogels based on natural polymers due to their excellent properties, and so the objective of this chapter is to give a brief introduction to the definition of the concept...