Sophia Birk, a digital nomad currently living in Poland, is an international member of the AATT team of educators and a math aficionado. Here are her thoughts on navigating key topics in GCSE Maths: From Fractions to Functions: Navigating Key Topics in GCSE Maths The General Certificate of S...
What is the current picture for GCSE maths? The past few years have been very challenging for the education sector, particularly in the domain of examinations (or lack thereof) and assessments. With the complications of teacher-assessed grades and advanced information behind us GCSEs are now back...
Threat evaluation was also shown to be indirectly (negatively) related to GCSE maths exam performance mediated by stronger test anxiety and a performance-avoidance goal (Putwain & Symes, 2011b), and lower self-determined motivation comprised of lower identified and higher externally regulated forms ...
Lastly, if neither of the above is viable, pupils also have the option to re-sit their A-Levels or GCSEs in the Autumn Term. GCSE exams are due to take place between 2 November and 23 November 2020. The deadline for entries for GCSE English Language and/or Maths is 4 October 2020,...
A catwalk is a nightmare of a space to choreograph; it offers limited opportunities and once you’ve had a remote-control drone fly onto the stage and deliver some milk or bring the GCSE dance cliché of teenage zombies staring at their phone from 2004, or paraded a dozen dancers as a...
In his seminal work entitled Proofs and Refutations, Imre Lakatos also developed some problems of mathematics in the form of dialogues—these pieces can also be considered as micro topics in our context [21]. In the form of small maths gems, micro topics often also appear at public promotional...
International GCSE International Lower Secondary Curriculum International Primary Curriculum Mathematics in Context Mathematics in Context (Level 3 Core Maths) O level Principal Learning Project Qualification T Levels Step2.Results for grade boundaries ...
GCSE International A Level Modular International GCSE Step2.Select exam series Step3.Select subject Step4.Select Unit Step5.Convert raw marks UMS marks do not apply to Linear qualifications, which now use scaled subject marks and are awarded at qualification rath...