(2001). Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Shapiro, J.P., & Stefkovich, J.A. (2001). Ethical leadership and decision making in education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates....
6.1 Leadership in an educational setting Instructional leadership emerged about four decades ago as a leadership theory focusing on leadership in educational settings. Instructional leadership approaches leadership rather narrow: centred on the principal and mainly considering instruction and learning. All the...
In speaking part 3, the examiner will ask a broader range of questions based on the topic that you had in speaking part 2. The questions require you to expand your answers further with explanation and examples of the world in general. The examiner will strictly control the time. For example...
Review of research on educational leadership and management in Asia "Review of Research on Educational Leadership and Management in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Research Topics and Methods, 1995-2012." Educational ... P Hallinger,J Chen - 《Educational Management Administration & Leadership》 被引...
The workplace leadership and the complex of Emperor. The perception of danger in different cultures. The origins of bipolar disorder through the prism of domestic violence. Covid-19 and related anxiety cases among college students. The dangers of advertisements on children's TV networks. ...
Informational diversity refers to differences in knowledge bases that are more job-related, such as educational and functional background. Value diversity refers to differences in values, beliefs, and attitudes. Informational or functional diversity in a founding entrepreneurial team is associated with ...
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers. computer-scienceroadmappython-roadmapdeveloper-roadmapdevops-roadmapreact-roadmapfrontend-roadmapjava-roadmapbackend-roadmapgo-roadmapangular-roadmapnodejs-roadmapdba-roadmapjavascript-roadmapvue-roadmap...
Public health informatics and leadership. Importance of health literacy in relation to patients. Screen use regulations for the prevention of visual impairment. Fall prevention for older people. How to avoid antibiotic resistance in children? Patient safety in clinical practice. Diseases caused by having...
Sexual harassment in the workplace: Solutions and prevention. Gender bias in healthcare and medical research. Women’s unpaid labor and its economic implications. Gender equality in sports: Closing the gap. Women in leadership roles: How to break the glass ceiling. ...
1. Inclusive Leadership Inclusive leadership plays a large role in improving workplace diversity. Inclusive leaders encourage diversity and value each individual team member. By focusing on this process, firms can help folks with diverse backgrounds feel welcome. ...