Also, it keeps things more exciting for you as the instructor! Discover why having a repertoire of topics for group discussion will benefit your community (whether it be online or in-person) and why group discussions are an important part of the learning process for students. With over 1700 ...
Unconditional Forgiveness: A Gift for Yourself and Others To access this post, you must have purchased: Navigating Divorce-Divorce and Separation Therapy Coaching, Navigating Divorce-Divorce and Separation Therapy Coaching – 2 Session Plan, Navigating Divorce-Divorce and Separation Therapy Coaching – 6...
with insufficient or low-quality evidence. One exception is music therapy. Considering that the creative process is unique to the individual, the ability to standardize in AsTs is somewhat difficult but it may be an essential next step to be able to building a strong evidence base for its use...
A place to share news, ideas, and research of interest for more than one disease. Cooperation is powerful. dearly departed Share memories of those we have lost. end of life Discuss the process of approaching the end of life. hospice
If a group difference is found the next step in the research process is to interpret the difference, in terms of cause and effect. For instance, if it is proposed that anxiety is a causal factor in the onset of stuttering it has to be shown that the anxiety exists before the onset. In...
Some of the treatments for erectile dysfunction can be administered regardless the time of the last meal were taken. It is not the case with generic Viagra, which is a pill very sensitive to the meals, especially those rich in fats. Fats can slow down the absorption process of the component...
Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group. Download Area for Poisson Superfish ANSYS Inc. ANSYS Alesini, D., Lollo, V. & Battisti, A. A. Process for manufacturing a vacuum and radiofrequency metal gasket and structur...
The reasons for these neurotoxicities are multifactorial, ranging from the effects of immunosuppressive agents to pre-transplantation disease. In this article, we discussed the neurological complications resulting from immunosuppressive therapy in five categories: the process of alloimmune responses, the ...
In a sample of 181 patients prescribed oral targeted therapy or chemotherapy, participants took only 85% of the oral therapy on average, with different percentages of poor adherence by cancer type (23.3% for hematological cancer and 42.9% for sarcoma) [37]. In a study of patients treated ...
Reported cognitive effects are generally modest; mean performance for the affected group (eg, chemotherapy-treated vs no chemotherapy, cancer vs non- cancer, and hormonal therapy vs no hormonal therapy) typically remains within normal limits based on clinical criteria. Where cognitive changes are ...