Your essay is made of paragraphs that have supporting points.Each paragraph should come together to form a coherent whole essay.The topic sentence is just one way to make your writing shine! Here are10 examples of topic sentencesthat you can practice with for your IELTS essay. I have included...
在Essay中,Topic Sentence是每个段落的开头句,用于概括这个段落的主题或主要观点的。它在整个段落中起到...
Topic Sentence #3:With my first mate’s final comments, I knew the men were planning a mutiny. Topic Sentence #4:It was at that moment that I struck something I knew must be the treasure. 4 argumentative essay topic sentences Topic Sentence #5:Finally, the most compelling reason that Tre...
在撰写论文(Essay)时,主题句(Topic Sentence)和主要观点(Main Idea)这两个概念虽然紧密相关,但在...
essay菌干货分享 Topic Sentence主题句的写作要点首先,注意主题句应该是一个观点,而不是事实。比如:事实:Plagiarizing is to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own.观点:People can avoid plagiarizing by taking certain precautions....
在Essay写作中,每个段落的开头往往以一个主题句,即Topic Sentence为引导。这个句子的作用在于简洁明了地概述该段落的主要观点或主题,帮助读者迅速理解段落内容。例如,当你撰写一篇关于环境保护的Essay时,一个可能的主题句是:"气候变化是当今世界面临的最严重问题之一,应该采取紧急措施来减缓其影响。" ...
evaluate essay topic sentence的写法 When crafting a topic sentence for an essay, it is important to consider its effectiveness in capturing the main idea of the paragraph and guiding the discussion. Here are a few evaluation criteria for evaluating essay topic sentences: 1. Clarity: A good ...
—般来说,essay的body paragraph(正文段)写作结构如下: 1;Topic Sentence:主题句(—句话阐明本段的论点) 2; Assertion statements:主张句(几句话阐述你的论点) 3;example(s):举例(列举—些事实) 4;Explanation:解释(说明以上事实为什么能支撑你的论点) ...
Where should I place the topic sentence? When writing an essay, it's essential to structure your paragraphs to allow the reader to follow your argument/idea. Regarding topic sentence placement, there are two common approaches: 1. The first is to place it at the paragraph beginning, which is...
Essay中心句(Topic Sentence)写作需要注意: 1)中心句只针对body paragraph,开头和结尾段是没有写中心句的必要的。因为这两段的每一句都很重要,是这个文章的主体。以后我们还会专门讲introduction和conclusion怎么写。 2)Essay写作中,中心句应该是关于一个话题的观点句,只有一个观点句才有讨论的必要。而且中心句的话题...