For the main topic modeling task, the “all-MiniLM-L6-v2” model from Sentence Transformer is employed, and the BERTopic model is instantiated, incorporating embedding, representation, vectorization, and c-Tf-idf models. Probability calculations for topic assignments enrich the interpretability of the...
传统人员服务与客户端人员服务之间的差别 传统人员服务和客户端人员服务使用类似的概念运行。但是,构造和执行差异将这两类人员服务区别开来。 客户端人员服务 在IBM® BPMV8.5.5 中添加的最新IBM BPM人员服务。 客户端人员服务使用 Web 技术来改善人员服务性能,并支持管理业务流程、数据和流程实例。 仅在web Process...
To analyze Chinese medicine (CM) prescriptions for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), we model topics on GERD-related classical CM literature, providing insights into the potential treatment. Methods Clinical guidelines were used to identify symptom terms for GERD, and CM literature from the data...
To analyze Chinese medicine (CM) prescriptions for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), we model topics on GERD-related classical CM literature, providing insights into the potential treatment. Methods Clinical guidelines were used to identify symptom terms for GERD, and CM literature from the data...