you will learn. If you can identify the topic of the reading, and the main idea (the point of an author wants to make about the topic), it will be much easier to understand the other information in the reading passage. Working through the exercises in this part will give you practice ...
ReadingPractice:Readthefollowingpassageandtrytofindoutthe topic,themainideaanditssupportingdetails.Somebooksreadinchildhoodaretrulyunforgettable.Someofthecharacters,theplaces,theadventuresexperiencedwithsomuchexcitementwhenoneisquiteyoung,stayinone’smindaslongasmemorylasts.SuchacharacterisLongJohnSilverinRobertLouis...
1a by themselves and look for the key words of Dr. Li’s advice. Activity4: Learningsome language points Learn some language points in the text and mainly practice “A: Must we …… to prevent the flu?”“B: Yes, we must/ No, we don't have to. / No, we needn't.” ...
ReadingPractice: Readthefollowingpassageandtrytofindoutthe topic,themainideaanditssupportingdetails. Thepopularideaofsnowisthatit consistsoffrozenraindrops.Thisisnot thecase.Itistruethatsometimes raindropsfreezeintheirpassagefrom themothercloudtoearth.Suchfrozen raindropsarecalledsleetorhail.But snowissomethingel...
Remember, we’re looking for what the author is trying to tell us, and something that’s more specific than the topic. For this example, we might express the main idea as a sentence like “Skiing was the best part of winter break.” Example 2 Alright, we’ve had a bit of practice....
Writing | Main Idea, Thesis Statement, and Topic Sentences Related Study Materials Browse by Courses Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039) Study Guide and Test Prep ACT® Reading Test Section: Prep & Practice ACT® Writing Test Practice Common Core ELA...
It was three months before I could even tune the guitar properly, and another few months before I could manage the basic chords. You have to be very patient when first learning how to play the guitar. You should set aside a certain time each day for practice. ...
and some books in the study.There some books and a desk in the are就近一致There .There .isarePracticePracticeThere is a dog.There are 5 dogs.PracticeThere is a ball.There are 4 balls.There .There .areisPracticeThere .There .isarePractice复习There be 句型变句型否定句:___ is ...
For example, recently I began taking my two-year-old dog to obedience school. After four weeks of lessons and practice, she has learned to follow only three commands--sit, stand, and lie down--and even those she often gets confused. Frustrating (and costly) as this is, I continue to ...