It is the study or use of electronic processes for gathering and storing information and making it available using computers. the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area 信息收集与分类 可使用 2 11/28/2023 2 Use the questions to talk about information technology. How ...
Unit 4 Information Technology Topic talk教学设计-2024-2025学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册.docx,Unit 4 Information Technology Topic talk教学设计-2024-2025学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册 科目 授课时间节次 --年—月—日(星期——)第—节 指导教
UNIT 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TALK Use the questions to talk about information technology. In what way do you use it? Why do you use it? How has it changesd people’s daily lives? mobile phone computer Tablet In what way do you use it? For learning For entertainment For news Why...
4. Can you give some examples for transmitting information? 设计意图:引导学生积极回顾、拓展与话题相关的表达,如信息技术的收集、存储、各种运用软件功能等。 5. Work in pairs and use the questions to talk about information technology. 设计意图:鼓励学生谈论信息技术对我们生活的利弊影响,增加语言输出。 St...
UNIT4INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY Toreadandtalkaboutinformationtechnology.Tolistenandreadforgeneralunderstanding.Tolistenforspecificinformationandunderstandwordsincontext.Towriteashortparagraphabouttheappsyoufindusefulandtheproblemsyoushouldbeawareof. WhatisInformationTechnology? RalphBreakstheInternet《无敌破环王2:大闹互联网》...
information Activity1 Whataspectscanwetalkaboutinformationtechnology? Howhasitchangedpeoplesdailylife? Inwhatwaydoyouuseit? Whydoyou useit? information technology 1.Whatappdoyouoftenuse?Inwhatwaydoyouuseit? ·WeChat Ioftenuse_:mi·ikol og k
北师大版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 Information Technology Topic Talk 本节课的教材分析: 本节课的教材来源于北京师范大学出版社的《高中英语》(北师大版)第二册,第四单元的主题是“信息技术”。该单元包含有关信息技术的各种知识和技能,如网上银行,数字相机和社交网络等。 教学目标: 1.语言目标:学生能够理解和...
The class were assigned group projects on the topic "How InformationTechnology Affects Our Lives". Li Zhen's group is presenting their researchon the development of information technology. Use the correct form ofthe verbs or phrases to complete their presentation.Information technology has developed ...