is the essential Magic app for brewers, collectors, traders, competitors, and fans. Simulate decks on a virtual battlefield, test new ideas, and keep up with the latest decks and strategies. Run tournaments at home. We’re on your side of the battlefield - your portal for everything MTG...
TopDecked The #1 app for Magic: The Gathering. Stay on top of prices, get ideas for decks, test new strategies, and beat the meta. TopDecked offers more features than dozens of other apps combined. Account|Articles|Privacy|Terms|Contact...
1follower @TopDeckedMTG Popular repositoriesLoading ionic-image-loaderionic-image-loaderPublic Forked fromzyra/ionic-image-loader Ionic 2+ Component that loads images in a background thread and caches them for later use ...
is the essential Magic app for brewers, collectors, traders, competitors, and fans. Simulate decks on a virtual battlefield, test new ideas, and keep up with the latest decks and strategies. Run tournaments at home. We’re on your side of the battlefield - your portal for everything MTG...
1 follower @TopDeckedMTG Overview Repositories 48 Projects Packages People Popular repositories Loading ionic-image-loader Public Forked from zyra/ionic-image-loader Ionic 2+ Component that loads images in a background thread and caches them...
is the essential Magic app for brewers, collectors, traders, competitors, and fans. Simulate decks on a virtual battlefield, test new ideas, and keep up with the latest decks and strategies. Run tournaments at home. We’re on your side of the battlefield - your portal for everything MTG...
cards are needed before I actually spend the money. Finally, the support team is great as well, I send them a message on if something should be added or if there was an issue and they got back to me within 24 hours. This app and the subscription is 100% worth it if you love MTG...
TopDecked MTG Power up, explore, win :) TopDecked Limited Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Premium deck-builder & multi-deck simulator, life-counter, collection manager & more. It's the only Magic app you need, to play, test and track all ...
- Import, share, and export MTG Arena, MTGO, .dec, and text deck-lists - See missing cards and cost to complete or buy decks. - Tag, archive, and color code decks in your account - Track decks in your collection DECK SIMULATOR ...
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