説明 topasコマンドは、ローカル・システム上のアクティビティーに関する選択した統計情報を報告します。 このコマンドは、80x25 文字用の画面で表示するのに適切なフォーマットで、その出力を表示します。 topasコマンドがフラグなしで呼び出された場合は、次のコマンド行で呼び出されたのと...
$cd/<your_sw_path>/ $ git clone https://github.com/topasmc/dicom-interface rti.git If you are compiling dicom-interface with topas releases ( not from source), you need to use same headers of gdcm that topas used. $cd/<your_sw_path>/rti.git $ tar -zxf gdcm-2.6.include.tar.gz...
TOPAS MCHigh purity germanium detectorTOPAS MC software was used to model the efficiency of a coaxial p-type HPGe detector, type GX9023 from Canberra. The model was validated by comparing experimental efficiencies with efficiencies calculated by TOPAS MC simulations. Three different geometries of ...
topasmc/extensions master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 18 Commits HU Microdosimetry ProtonRBE README.md TOPAS Extensions Here you can find C++ classes that enhance the functionality of...
The TOPAS Monte Carlo (MC) system is used in radiation therapy and medical imaging research, having played a significant role in making Monte Carlo simulations widely available for proton therapy related research. While TOPAS provides detailed simulations of patient scale properties, the fundamental uni...
Stefan Reh,Nakoinz,Hacker,Gariy,Brad Rock,Robbi Altidore,Krystian Shek,Zelonka,Dub Mars,E.Q. Project,Bablak,Ruslan Rebell,Dan Mckie,Anton Stellz,Marina,DJ Jace,Scot & Millfield,Da Chello,Raphael Topas,Homo Novo,Daniel Williamsen,GBHR,Jdakk & French,Mad Mick & Steve Noble,Kent,Florito,...
英国TURNKEY 在线颗粒物检测系统Topas是在线光学粒子分析系统的简称,用于连续监测环境中TSP、PM10、PM2.5和PM1的浓度。仪器经过英国MCETRS认证,保证测量结果的准确性。 仪器外壳为耐磨抗腐蚀不锈钢,防护等级IP66,外部带锁,能够给内部电子设备提供完全的保护。仪器带有进气加热工程,保证测量结果不受温度影响。
同目录下在虚拟机中建立相同路径,依赖通过yum安装,安装结束后将二进制文件上传至相同位置。 3、本地安装 ##2、依赖安装yum groupinstall -y"Development Tools"yum install -y expat-develyum install -y libXmu-develyum install -y mesa-libGL-develyum install -y mesa-libGLU-develyum install -y centos-rel...
英国TURNKEY 在线颗粒物检测系统Topas是在线光学粒子分析系统的简称,用于连续监测环境中TSP、PM10、PM2.5和PM1的浓度。仪器经过英国MCETRS认证,保证测量结果的准确性。 仪器外壳为耐磨抗腐蚀不锈钢,防护等级IP66,外部带锁,能够给内部电子设备提供完全的保护。仪器带有进气加热工程,保证测量结果不受温度影响。
PURPOSE: This study provides an overview of the design and commissioning of the Monte Carlo (MC) model of the spot-scanning proton therapy nozzle and its implementation for the patient plan simulation. METHODS: The Hitachi PROBEAT V scanning nozzle was simulated based on vendor specifications using...