Jason B. Karp
学术数据库:使用学校或图书馆提供的学术数据库,如CNKI、万方、维普等中文数据库,以及PubMed、Web of Science、Google Scholar等国际数据库,查找与论文主题相关的学术文献。通过数据库的高级检索功能,可以精确地筛选出符合研究需求的文献。 图书馆资源:利用图书馆的纸质图书和期刊,特别是专业领域的核心期刊,获取深入的专...
Conformance to the standards: IIA quality services presents the top 10 nonconformance issues from recent EQAsJoyce Vassiliou
RNs still in top 10 for musculoskeletal disordersLinda Roman
Renting may prove to be the best solution after careful review of the reasons for renting and the cost savings that may result.Paul C. Fitzgerald
Zhenbiao He
Richards, Jon and Simkins, Ed Record-Breaking Animals (Infographic Top 10) Wayland, 2015, pp32, 12.99 [pounds sterling] 978 0 750 287531 One in a series of books that presents information in the very visual format of icons, pictograms and infographics,....
Still other Owners are faced with analyzing LTSAs that they themselves did not negotiate, but that they have instead inherited as part of an asset acquisition.Richard E. Thompson IIJason B. YostPower Engineering