Powered byYugioh Prices DateTournamentDeckDuelistPlacedArchetypeDeck Price November 2024Regional - Houston TexasVoiceless VoiceBlake Taylor2nd PlaceVoiceless Voice$369.58 October 2024Regional - Blackburn EnglandRitual BeastsJake FallonTop 8Ritual$181.35
Powered byYugioh Prices We are a participant in the Ebay Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Ebay.com and affiliated sites. Top 17 Decks Last 6 Months Since Latest Tournament ...
Top Tables Update: Round 6 November 9th, 2024 Round 6 is underway! Here are the Decks being played at the top 10 tables! Read more… Written by: Tyler Berger Categories: 2024/11 - North America Remote Duel YCS Tags: Top Tables Update Top Tables Update: Round 5November...
As I’m sure you’re aware, Flip monsters are terrible in Yugioh right now. A face-down monster is just a prime target for being banished, destroyed or attacked and having its effect negated. Recommended deck list Machine: Drytron Currently one of the top ranked decks in Yugioh, Drytrons...
Kenny Nguyen, from San Jose, CA, is the last Spright Duelist in the tournament. He’s facing Cristian Urena, from Redding, PA, using the ubiquitous Tearlaments strategy. These are two of the strongest Decks in the game right now, and two great Duelists. But only one can advance!
On top of that, this card is actually pretty great for flip-effect decks too. Cheepcheepcheep lets you special summon a level 5 or higher tuner straight from the deck, setting you up perfectly for a level 6 or higher synchro summon! 12. Rescue Rabbit Rescue Rabbit was a meta defining...
32.Yugioh Duel Links Are you a fan of Yugioh? You’ll love this game. You get to play against players from anywhere in the world with super fun decks of cards. 33.Star Trek Timelines This is another Star Trek game. In this one, you get to command a ship through space. The decision...
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Leonardo Martins Duelist DateTournamentDeckPlacedArchetypeDeck Value May 2023YCS - Santiago ChileRaidraptor KashtiraTop 16Kashtira$254.30 December 2022Regional - Belo Horizonte BrazilBystial Spright3rd PlaceSpright$194.94
Top Decks Top Cards Deck Prices Contact Yugioh Prices We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. We are a participant in the Eba...