加利福尼亚州 加利福尼亚州的前三名高中,在全美最佳公立高中排行榜中均进入了前20名。加州有10所高中,进入全美最佳高中排行榜的前100名。加州排名第一的高中Whitney High School在全美排名第14名,紧随其后的是California Academy of Mathematics and Science,全美排名第15名,以及全美排名第16名的Oxford Academy。 ...
Here are Alabama’s top 25 high schools, counting down to number one. An asterisk (*) indicates the school is new to U.S. News’ top 25 ranking for 2022. Enrollment figures and spending are from the Alabama State Department of Education for the 2022-23 school year. Rankings of all...
Top 50 high schools in America based on percent estimate matriculation to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania
These metro areas, scattered throughout the U.S., boast the best public high schools in the nation.
在Top10-20梯队,依旧有非常多中国家庭熟悉的知名美高,例如斯坦福在线高中Stanford Online High School(12)、圣保罗中学St.Paul's School(17)、劳伦斯威尔高中Lawrenceville(19)等。接下来我们再来看一看具体的学校排名吧!美国最佳私立高中Top 50 1. 菲利普斯学校安多佛 Phillips Academy Andover 2. 哈佛西湖中学 ...
The Webb Schools Blair Academy Mercersburg Academy stonybrook School Stuyvesant High School Newton South High School 密歇根州美高 St. George Secondary School 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University,简称JHU,是一所位于马里兰州巴尔的摩的私立研究型大学。
在Top10-20梯队,依旧有非常多中国家庭熟悉的知名美高,例如斯坦福在线高中Stanford Online High School(12)、圣保罗中学St.Paul's School(17)、劳伦斯威尔高中Lawrenceville(19)等。 接下来我们再来看一看具体的学校排名吧! 美国最佳私立高中Top 50 1. 菲利普斯学校安多佛 ...
Schools such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg in Germany also have strong global reputations. Asia Students from China, India and South Korea account for 52 percent of t...
US News & World Report 2024: Central NY's Best High Schools U.S. News & World compared data of the nearly 25,000 high schools across the country to determine the best of the best. While the top 10 schools here in New York State were all from the NYC School District, here's how ...
Monte Vista High School 美高EHS st.mark's 海高School 新加坡德明政府学校 St.Alban's Scholl 斯坦福大学,简称“斯坦福”,是一所世界顶尖的私立研究型大学,由时任加州州长及参议员的铁路富豪利兰·斯坦福和他的妻子简·莱思罗普·斯坦福共同成立。 斯坦福大学全名叫做小利兰·斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior Univer...