伽文纳中学 Episcopal High School 主教高中 Mercersburg Academy 摩尔西斯堡学院 Cranbrook Schools 克瑞布鲁克中学 Northfield Mount Hermon School 北野山中学 Georgetown Prepatory School 乔治城预备中学 Westtown School 西城中学 Woodside Priory Sch...
Ben received a full-merit scholarship and graduated with a Masters in Chemistry from Southern Methodist University and has a PGCEi from Queen’s University in Belfast. He taught chemistry in a top-ranking high school in the U.S. and two British schools in Malaysia before joining DHZH for se...
Get an in-depth look at courses, universities, business schools, career prospects and more at our free events. FIND LIVE OR ONLINE EVENTS Recommended articles View All The world's top 100 universities Discover the top 100 universities in the world, based on the latest QS World University Ranki...
全美第一还是菲利普斯学校安多福(Andover),这也是不少美高党心目中的梦校。前五名分别为安多福、哈佛西湖(Harvard-Westlake)、乔特罗斯玛丽(Choate)、埃克塞特( Exeter)以及格罗顿学校(Groton)。在Top10-20梯队,依旧有非常多中国家庭熟悉的知名美高,例如斯坦福在线高中Stanford Online High School(12)、圣保罗...
Top 50 high schools in America based on percent estimate matriculation to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania
京领研究院从2022年Niche全美最佳高中排行榜(Niche 2022 Best Schools in America)前50学校中随机选取了部分学校的往届或现任校长作为本文的分析和研究对象,[6] 以期从校长的教育经历、管理经验、主要事迹、综合素养这四个维度探讨美国高中校长领导力潜在的影响因素。
在Top10-20梯队,依旧有非常多中国家庭熟悉的知名美高,例如斯坦福在线高中Stanford Online High School(12)、圣保罗中学St.Paul's School(17)、劳伦斯威尔高中Lawrenceville(19)等。 接下来我们再来看一看具体的学校排名吧! 美国最佳私立高中Top 50 1. 菲利普斯学校安多佛 ...
Of the top 25 schools, 12 were located in cities, 6 were rural, 6 in the suburbs and one was listed as a town. Here are Alabama’s top 25 high schools, counting down to number one. An asterisk (*) indicates the school is new to U.S. News’ top 25 ranking for 2022. Enrol...
US News & World Report 2024: Central NY's Best High Schools U.S. News & World compared data of the nearly 25,000 high schools across the country to determine the best of the best. While the top 10 schools here in New York State were all from the NYC School District, here's how ...
哥本哈根大学在2021世界大学学术排行榜上位于第30位;在2022USNews排行榜上位于第37名;在2022年QS排行榜上位于第79位;2022年泰晤士世界大学排行榜,哥本哈根大学排名第96位。哥本哈根大学为了吸引国际学生,开设了若干英文授课硕士项目。 大学历史:哥本哈根大学始创于1479年,是丹麦的第一所大学。和欧洲其他国家早期的大学一...