Harvard University lead an unchanged top-five in this year's ranking of the best universities to study psychology, ahead of the UK universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The UK and US dominate the top 10 of this year's ranking with the University of Amsterdam (ranked eighth) the one exceptio...
伦敦大学学院(UCL - London's Global University) UCL在Times世界大学心理学科中排名世界第16,英国第三。 临床,教育和健康心理学硕士(Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology MPhil)该项目开设在心理学和语言科学系下,旨在培养在三个研究领域拥有专业知识的毕业生。 研究领域: 临床心理学 教育心理学 健康心理学 ...
The Psychology MSc is a conversion course for graduates from disciplines other than Psychology who wish to gain GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership). This is the first step for those who wish to work as a Chartered Psychologist in the UK. GBC ensures... Read more Admission requireme...
·佛罗伦萨南丁格尔护理与助产学院(Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery) ·心理学与神经科学学院(Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience) ·牙医学院(Dental Institute) ·法学院(The Dickson Poon School of Law...
Harvard University University of Oxford Johns Hopkins University View full list Subjects: Agriculture and Forestry(2024) Anatomy and Physiology(2024) Biological Sciences(2024) Dentistry(2024) Medicine(2024) Nursing(2024) Pharmacy and Pharmacology(2024) Psychology(2024) Veterinary Science...
The highest-ranking courses in the university are Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Biological Sciences, Psychology, and Mathematics. The tuition fees for international students range from£20,100 to £25,100per year. Scholarships and financial aid are available for eligible st...
● MSc Psychology (Conversion) ● MSc TESOL (with optional specialism) ● MSc International Education ● MLitt Film Studies 入学申请要求 以最具特色的圣安德鲁斯大学— 商学院 University of St Andrews Business School为例: 学术成绩要求 ● 985及211...
UKleader01 英国TOP3:剑桥大学 剑桥大学 | 图源Wallpaper Cave 与牛津大学相似,剑桥大学教育系(Faculty of Education)已被确认为2021年卓越研究框架(REF)中英国领先的教育研究部门之一。剑桥大学共提供26门教育相关专业。 其中,针对教育学硕士专业(Master in Education),剑桥大学教育系根据不同兴趣主题进行划分,如: ...
Psychology and Neuroscience 欲知更多专业请戳: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/courses/search NO.4帝国理工学院(Imperial CollegeLondon) 本科专业列表: 欲知更多专业请戳: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/ug/courses/ NO.5伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science ) ...
The University of Lincoln’s in-house English Language Centre offers Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills (PEASS) courses to help international students meet the minimum language requirements for their chosen academic course and to familiarise themselves with UK academic culture and study ski...