近日,泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,简称THE)发布了2020年最具国际化世界大学排行榜(Most international universities in the world),入围的共有世界各地170所高校。 泰晤士高等教育指出:大学本质上是全球性的机构。在排行榜上位居前十的高校都有着很高比例的国际学生及教职员工,他们与来自世界各地的学者进行研...
This year’s ranking of the world’s top 1,000 universities sees relatively little movement at the very top. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University and Harvard University are an unchanged top three, while the University of Oxford continues to be the best university in ...
This year's ranking of the world's top 1,000 universities sees relatively little movement at the very top. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University and Harvard University are an unchanged top three, while the University of Oxford continues to be the best university in the...
As well as this broad subject area ranking, rankings are also available which show the top universities in the world for the following individual Arts & Humanities subjects: Archaeology Architecture / Built Environment Art & Design Classics & Ancient History ...
The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) recently released the rankings of the leading universities around the globe. The University of Texas at Austin is one, ranking in the top public universities and listed as the best in the state of Texas.
牛津大学是英国研究型团体罗素大学集团 (Russell Group of Universities)以及G5超级精英大学成员之一, 亦为英国“金三角名校”。欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团(Coimbra Group), LERU (League of European Research Universities)和Europaeum中的一员。 牛津大学是英国最大的科研中心,该校在世界顶尖刊物刊发的科研学术报告超过...
Explore the top 100 universities making a global impact in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
Top 50 Universities in China 2020 www.cnur.comRankNameProvince/CityIndex1University of Science and Technology of ChinaAnhui103.62Ts...
美国最佳大学排名是由美国杂志《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World Report)发布的美国高等学校排名。《美国新闻与世界报道》是美国综合性报道和评论的英文周刊,是仅次于《时代周刊》和《新闻周刊》的美国第三大新闻杂志。自1983年以来,该杂志开始对美国大学及其院系进行排名,该排名具有较高的知名度。该...