While the German capital is not an academic hub on the scale of cities likeLondon,ParisorBoston, three universities in Berlin feature in theQS World University Rankings® 2025. The highest-ranked of these isFreie Universitäet Berlin, ranking 97thin the world. Is Berlin your ideal student ci...
Universities and colleges offer top education and modern facilities. English in Germany is spoken by over 50% of the population. It is used in the academic environment and you’ll have no problems finding your way in big cities, although you can struggle in smaller towns and villages. Of cou...
There are also many great universities outside of the top 10 in Europe. InFrance,Université de Lillescores very highly for international research network. In theUK, there are many highly ranked universities outside of the top 10 includingDe Montfort Universityand theUniversity of Loughborough. The...
60、巴黎萨克雷大学Université Paris-Saclay 61、柏林洪堡大学Humboldt University of Berlin 62、澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University 63、曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester 63、威斯康星大学-麦迪逊University of Wisconsin - Madison 65、鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学Erasmus University Rotterdam 65、阿卜杜勒阿...
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What are the top study spots in and around Berlin? There are many options when it comes to places to study in Berlin. The capital city has a diverse range of study spots to suit every student in Germany. From study rooms at libraries and universities to peaceful cafés, there are no exc...
Heidelberg University, officially known as Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Germany and Europe. Founded in 1386, it is located in the city of Heidelberg in the state of Baden-Württemberg. ...
The Technical University of Munich was among the first universities in Germany named a University of Excellence and provides Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programmes in a wide range of disciplines such as Engineering, Communications, Natural Sciences, Food Technology, Biosciences, Design, Infor...
401–500 中欧大学 CEU Universities 西班牙 401–500 布拉格查尔斯大学 Charles University in Prague 捷克 401–500 中国医药大学 China Medical University, Taiwan 中国台湾 401–500 克拉克大学 Clark University 美国 401–500 科罗拉多矿业学院 Colorado School of Mines 美国 ...
Pros:Australia is home to some of the best universities in the world. Here, students can study practically every major, but star topics includebusiness,humanities, and all of thesciencefields. In your free time, get a tan, chase some wild critters, and hit those Bondi Blue waters. ...