entitled Régulation du mode de production capitaliste dans la longue période. Exemple des États-Unis (1870–1970), for his doctorate thesis at the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is also aggregate professor for the universities in Amiens, after he was administrator of...
The fourth accounting firm to make the Big Four is Ernst & Young and was founded in the 19th century. Its headquarters is now located in London and has 695 member firms in more than 140 countries across the world employing 231,000 people. The services it provides include assurance, advisory...
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(2000) L’invention de la bureaucratie: Servir l’Etat en France, en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis (XVIIIème siècle-XXème siècle) (Paris: La Découverte). Dreyfus, F. (2002), ‘A la recherche du temps perdu: la science politique française oublieuse de l’administration publique...