In the gripping drama Midnight Express, Billy Hayes (Brad Davis), an American student, faces a horrifying ordeal after he's caught smuggling drugs out of Turkey. His seemingly straightforward crime spirals into a nightmare when he's sentenced to thirty years in a Turkish prison. The film, dir...
Marcel Eris, one of the top Twitch streamers in 2024, is a 33-year-old German popular twitch streamer actively involved in producing Turkish web videos. His live streams focus mainly on video games, such as Call of Duty, FIFA, and Fortnite busy. Marvel maintain the position of the largest...
In the three months to December, Dabur’s business in Dubai grew 14%; sales in Nigeria were up 52%; revenues in Egypt gained 42%, and Turkish sales increased 44%. 53 Edgewell Personal Care Shelton, Conn.2023 Beauty Sales:$756.1 Million (Est.)+8% vs. 2022 (Est.) Edgewell bolstered ...
Top Boy (TV Series 2011–2023) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
On Mr. Badii’s search to find someone to provide his wish, he runs into a Turkish taxidermist who drives him around the dusty roads of Iran while trying to convince the suicidal man of life’s beauty. Critics liked it. Time wrote, “The talk flows persuasively; the picture pulses with...
If so you’ll enjoy our list which includes the most beautiful, talented and hottest actresses on Turkish television. Most of these actresses have worldwide popularity. We picked them not only because of their beauty, but their talent and popularity are also major criteria. ...
This Turkish chef and restaurateur is famous for his cheerful face while preparing enormous portions of Mediterranean cusine. Burak’s wholesome content and charitable works have earned him fans from all over the world. His videos often highlight traditional Turkish cooking methods and ingredients, ...
Thales, leader in In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity and Turkish Airlines, flag carrier of the Republic of Turkey and member of the Star Alliance, announce the Thales TopSeries AVANT in-flight entertainment system has been officially selected on boar
the company said. Baker Hughes will provide lower completions equipment and upper completions with intelligent design, as well as project management and ongoing operational support. The project is expected to have a transformative impact on the Turkish economy, driving job creation, technological advancem...
Second on our current list of the world’s most expensive yachts is the impressive superyacht VICTORIOUS built by Turkish shipyard AKYACHT. This award-winning 279-foot explorer yacht was originally delivered in 2021 and packed with exceptional features. Built to Lloyd’s classification and MCA LY...