Prepare your institution for a successful 2023–2024 academic year with these top higher education trends and tips.
IAM forhigher educationhas only been further complicated by a new batch of challenges brought on by the pandemic: an increase in layoffs, additional security challenges created by the influx of remote access requirements, and budgets that are even more in flux than they already were. Finding the...
TopFiveITTrendsinHigherEducationTopFiveITTrendsinHigherEducation 20002000––20052005 BasedonResultsfromthe AnnualEDUCAUSECurrentIssuesSurvey SurveyMeasuresRecapSurveyMeasuresRecap Whichissues: aremostimportantfortheinstitution’sstrategic success? havepotentialtobecomemoresignificantinthe ...
Could you please interpret this year's highlights, trends, and characteristics of university offers from your perspective? A Mr Hayes:In general, we are delighted with the range of university offers received by our graduating students this year. Once again, we have candidates moving on to study ...
Those of us in the higher education field learned a lot during the 2000-2009 period, mainly that nothing stays the same. Things evolve at record speeds as technology develops, mindsets change, and trends take hold. Here are 8 of the biggest higher education trends I witnessed during the ...
Top 7 trends That Higher Education Textbook Publishers Must Know to Increase Their Digital Sales - 1. Switch to Digital Publishing: There’s no escaping the digital revolution. In spite of declining print sales, some publishers are still reluctant to make the shift. A lot of big names in the...
Overall, attendees sought to answer the same question: Where is higher education headed in the future, and how will education be affected long-term, past this pandemic? Plus, attendees looked to understand the role digital transformation and technology will play in the future of education. My te...
Here are five of the top trends in education; No surprise, video is at the center ofallof them: 1. Personalized learning With over a billion students worldwide unable to go to school or university due to COVID-19, education institutions were forced to adapt,rapidly. With teachers unable ...
Get the latest articles in your inbox. Sign up now Just For You Announcing the Community Impact Report 2022 4 min read 6 Reasons to Attend the 20th Annual Dreamforce This September 6 min read How Salesforce and HBCUs are Partnering with Purpose 4 min read The Importance of a CRM ...
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