第10届Anime Trending 2023年度最佳动画TOP10榜单 公开 🎉 年度TOP10: 1「天国的大魔境」 2「我推的孩子」 3「冰海战记」2 4「我心中危险的事情」 5「咒术回战」第2季 6「我的幸福婚约」 7「关于邻家的天使大人不...
Discover the vibrant world of Japanese animation with our guide to the "Top anime streaming apps." Dive into a realm of captivating storytelling, stunning visuals, and diverse genres that have captured the hearts of anime enthusiasts worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest releases, these ...
The 24+ Best Ecchi Comedy Anime of All Time The Best Shonen-ai Anime, RankedTRENDING TODAY Underrated 1990s Movies Overshadowed By Their More Successful 'Twin Film' 12 Blockbuster Movies Overshadowed By Unexpected Hits Cheesy Movies That Make You Cry Anyway 15 Movies Where Everybody Loses In Th...
Anime Trending2021年度男性角色Top10排名公开🎉 û收藏 146 166 ñ628 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 动漫博主 查看更多 a 385关注 427.8万粉丝 61625微博 微关系 他的关注(204) caozenghui 葬送的芙莉莲官微 动画咒术回战 未来...
animetrending 第一周top10排名 只看楼主收藏回复 幽光亦情 八百标兵 8 animetrending 第一周top10排名送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2018-01-21 20:01回复 炎哀雪 光玉物语 13 前二无悬念南极能搭上末班车 来自Android客户端2楼2018-01-21 20:04 回复 ...
Have you ever wondered what is popular among young people in Japan and what Japanese influencers people tend to watch? Are you curious about the current trending YouTube channels in Japan? YouTube is a growing platform, and becoming a YouTuber or gaining a certain number of subscribers is...
Anime Tren..终于荣登TOP1了 随便看了下评论 全是教徒随手截点下方评论,附简单翻译
This is why we are looking at the hottest and trending collections of non fungibletokens or NFTsin the Anime genre. Thanks to the decentralizedblockchainand Web3, these Anime NFTs collectibles represent cross-platform IP (intellectual property) which can be owned and taken with you in different...
The series, which was based on her own childhood, was set in 1974 in suburban Japan. An anime series based on the Chibi Maruko-chan aired from 1990 to 1992 while the current second series, which debuted in 1995, continues to this day. Sakura also made the more surreal fantasy series ...
一、AT榜TOP10,你追了吗?Anime Trending,这家2013年创办的动画投票网站,汇聚了东南亚地区众多动漫爱好者的喜好。本周TOP10中,《约会大作战》第五季毫无悬念地夺得冠军,可见其人气之火爆。而《夜晚的水母不会游泳》则紧随其后,展现了其独特的魅力。此外,《为美好世界献上祝福》第三季、《怪兽8号》等佳作...