Romance is one of the most popular genres. Be it light novels, anime or manga, the genre of romance has always been a hot favourite amongst fans due to its intense emotions and character development. A romance work can end up being one of the happiest things you read or be the most de...
Shortcake Cake follows Ten Serizawa, a country girl who moves into a boarding house and soon finds herself caught up with new friendships and blossoming feelings for two boys—Chiaki and Riku. As Ten navigates new emotions and “first times,” she learns about Riku’s messy past, and becomes...
Top Ten Tuesday–Like/Dislike About RomancesWell developed charactersGetting the Falling rightAmazing PlotsAnticipation/Frustration/TensionGood writingToo much steamToo much preachingGrunting alpha malesDoormats and wimpy charactersTop Ten Things I Like & Dislike in Romance Novels...
A Court of Thorns and Roses meets Fourth Wing in this pulse-pounding, enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance—with fae magic, high-stakes trials, and a dark prince—from Booktok favorite author Nisha J. Tuli. Ten women. A deadly contest. Only one can win the Sun King's heart. Lor has endu...
Romance novels often get dismissed as trivial, but we know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Writing is all about drawing your reader in and making themfeelsomething; and what genre does that better than romance? But with so many incredible titles out there—and we haven’t even ...
whether you’re a sucker for a good love story or you just want to escape into a different world for a little while, these are the romance novels for you.
We’ve decided not to rank these books, but rather just put them in alphabetical order. We did rank the top ten and you can see themhere. All 100 are available at Amazon and maybe foundhere. A printable list of all 100 may be foundhere. ...
Taking up where Invitation to the Waltz left off, The Weather in the Streets shows us Olivia Curtis ten years older, a failed marriage behind her, thinner, sadder, and apparently not much wiser. A chance encounter on a train with a man who enchanted her as a teenager leads to a forbidde...
2. When not surveying the stars, peering through microscopes, or running through marathons of coding, Caltech students pursue an eclectic array of interests that range from speed-cubing to participating in varsity athletics to reading romance novels. What is a favorite interest or hobby, and why...
Sugiura was originally trained as a painter, and early in his career his work was selected for the prestigious Teiten exhibition. He began creating manga in order to make a living, and by the 1950s had risen to major prominence, gaining renown through his comics for children and his ...