I don't think this should be in number five, but still should be in the top ten or twenty. According a new evidences winemaking in Georgia has 8,000 years of History Sudan (1070 BC) Israel (1020 BC) 0 Greece (800 BC) Greece is much older than this, come on now people. Sri Lank...
What is the #1 language in the world in terms of speakers? It’s Chinese. Wondering just how many people speak Chinese? It earns its rank as the number 1 language with over one billion speakers. Mandarin Chinese is spoken in People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Singapore. A few fac...
They have a siphon or neck which hangs out of the shell, and the meaty part of geoduck sits inside the shell. People highly prized them for food, but they burrow deep into soft, muddy, or sandy sediments that make it challenging to dig them out. The shell of the geoduck small compared...
The largest city in the world is Tokyo, Japan, with a total population of 37 million people. With a population density of 2,642 persons per square kilometre, it is also one of the most densely populated cities on Earth. Here are the 14 most populated cities on Earth, and what it is ...
Dr.Wu Mengchao,one of the top ten people moving China in 2011,was born in Fujian Province.He is well known in Chinese medical field as well as his teacher,Qiu Fazu.Dr.Wu is now 90years old.But he is tell working.He's a winner of the 2005China National Top Science and Technology ...
While many people would think the Queen of England is the oldest peerage title in the UK there are others that are thousands of years old
Ten years later he announced a comeback and, in 1994 at age 45, he regained a portion of the heavyweight championship by knocking out 26-year-old Michael Moorer to win the unified WBA, IBF, and lineal titles. Foreman remains the oldest world heavyweight champion in history, and the second...
Amur River is in number ten of the largest rivers in the world and the most prominent in the Federation of Russia. It is found on the border of Russia and China. It has a length of approximately 4,444 km. Amur has 200 tributaries, but the main ones that are on the left are; Burey...
Prehistoric people were very creative and inventive. They used to play music. We know this because archaeologists found ancient flutes. They were made from bird bones! Embed from Getty Images 4. The oldest complaint ever found is almost 4,000 years old. ...
Ten tallest buildings in the world Willis Tower via Willis Tower is the oldest building, which fell into our rating, has a height of 442.1 meters. Construction of a skyscraper, which cost $150 million, was launched in 1970 in Chicago and completed in 1973. In the next 25 years, the Will...