Falafel said: “This is a fantastic honour but it’s like I’vealways said, jokes about white sugar are rare, jokes about brown sugar…demerara.” (How is that like winning this list? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT Check out the rest of the top ten below. ...
I predict this movie is going to be very epic, so I will make a top ten most epic superhero movies list. With that being said, here is it. The Top Ten Avengers: Endgame You know how there's that on movie that you don't care how much you watch it, you cannot watch it enough...
Top Jokes is a collaborative app to find the best jokes in the world.Here you will find jokes sent by the app's users (including you!) and you will be able to vote and comment on them. Browse the categories and rankings (daily, weekly...) to find out who has the best joke and ...
Is it true that most Indians who hang out on Quora are jobless (Nitish Parnami) What are good successful excuses people have used after being pulled over by a cop (Patrick Woten) What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind (Kiran Kumar Pasam) What are some of the greate...
Very Funny MoviesLists that rank the best, most hilarious films that will make you laugh so hard, you'll wake up the whole neighborhood. The 65+ Top Rated-R Horror Comedies 16 R-Rated Comedies That Were More Successful T... The All-Time Best Comedy Movies The Funniest Movies ...
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Let us know in the comments below! Enjoy Shakespeare Funnies? Check out these other Shakespeare comedy resources: Shakespeare’s comedy plays Funniest Shakespeare quotes Best Shakespeare puns Shakespeare’s best dirty jokes and innuendos Shakespeare memes...
The action takes place in Westenbury, a picturesque village in Yorkshire. The local community is ravaged by a death. One of the most popular gentlemen passes away and most women are interested to find out what will happen with the handsome widower. Who will replace her beloved husband? But...
The jokes and sight gags come at you very fast sometimes in the foreground, often times in the background and everywhere else. One example is he goes to a fancy restaurant for dinner but they won't let him in without a jacket. So instead of pulling some musty old jacket out of the ...
The jokes and sight gags come at you very fast sometimes in the foreground, often times in the background and everywhere else. One example is he goes to a fancy restaurant for dinner but they won't let him in without a jacket. So instead of pulling some musty old jacket out of the ...