Lakeside School 图源:网络 湖滨学校建校于1919年,是一所提供5-12年级教育的私立学校,也是比尔盖茨的母校。学校位于华盛顿州西雅图市北部, 从 Lakeside School 驱车前往西雅图-塔科马国际机场(Seattle-Tacoma International Airport,SEA)约需 30 至 40 分钟。 ...
在这个10个月的STEM项目中,学生将在沉浸式的学习环境中(Finance lab),完成四次在不同部门和团队中的轮换,在理论和实践中学习解决日益复杂的金融课题。 “ Finance lab ” 在Finance lab中,Emory提出了一个概念叫做“FRIDAYS "ON THE JOB"。通俗来讲就是,在周五这一天学生将会告别教室,在实验室进行“轮岗工作”。
- 重要性比率( Percent high meaning):37% - STEM 学位百分比:27% 宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania),简称宾大(UPenn或Penn),坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,是一所享有盛誉的私立研究型大学,不仅是美国常春藤盟校之一,更是美国大学协会的创始成员,全球大学校长论坛的成员之一。 自其创建以来,宾夕法尼亚...
53、贝森山中学 Besant Hill School 54、圣卡塔利娜学校 Santa Catalina School 55、史蒂文森高中 Stevenson School - Upper Division 56、剑桥学校 The Cambridge School 57、布伦特伍德学校 Brentwood School 58、拉古纳布兰卡学校 Laguna Blanca School 59、橡树基督教学校 Oaks Christian School 60、圣多米尼克高中 San ...
Rebranding a Major, Middle City 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue ROI: Best in Branding and Generating Results! I first started working with ROI eight years ago when they were the agency of record for my former employer. During that time we created several award winning commercials and campaigns that resu...
Preparing Future STEM Faculty as Top TeachersMichigan State University
Ulman Jr. School of Design at the University of Cincinnati offers a Bachelor of Communication Design. This graphic design program prepares students to be able to express feelings, information, and ideas in visual form. Art institute students learn to use drawing, photography, typography, video, ...
交互设计的日本教授Ken Nakagaki先前在MIT Media Lab的受驱动有形用户界面小组(Actuated Tangible User Interfaces)攻读博士,在结合物理材料、计算与机器人技术,创造有形互动体验方面有着丰富的教学资源。 Ken Nakagaki教授建立的AxLab在23年发布了新作Xs Sculpture, 这是一件互动艺术装置,采用了一系列驱动垂直剪式机制...
Pearl Wisdom School(PWS) might be the latest addition to Indian schools in Dubai managed by Bhavans Middle East. But it is slowly gaining popularity in the city. It presently offers classes from Kindergarten to Grade 8 with a strong focus on innovative schooling. ...
Tools for STEM classes:BeyondLabz,Labster,Top Hat Labs :Annotation Studio,Audacity,Canva,Top Hat 20 formative assessment examples for any course or discipline Assessing course-related skills and knowledge These formative assessment examples help evaluate learning of a given subject’s content by assessi...