This list of the top anime movies is an attempt to do just that: to create a primer of one hundred of the most influential and essential films that Japanese animation has produced offer a thorough aesthetic, technical and historical breakdown of why these films matter. To that end,Pasteis p...
Junebug, having died from a case of OG (Over-Gold), the wearing of too many gold chains. Jack then seeks revenge for his brother’s death by going after the man responsible for flooding the streets with all the gold jewelry that is killing the urban youth, Mr. Big (John Vernon)...
* Before I start with the list, I want you to tell you that this list may not contain the movies that you consider to be the best. As this list requires a mention of only the top ten movies, the selection amongst the long list of really good movies of all time has been a difficul...
Animated movies have an uncanny ability to transport us, young and old, to worlds where fish talk, toys come to life, and lions rule the savanna.
All Lists Newest Add List For You Log InJoin All Top Ten ListsMovies Top 10 Furry Movies The Top Ten Zootopia Robin Hood (1973) The Lion King Puss in Boots Fantasia What's so furry about it? Maybe it's the centaurs. Balto Fantastic Mr. Fox Kung Fu Panda 0 Fritz the Cat All Dogs...
When he stepped into film and starred across from the likes of Jackie Chan in Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever, he became a household name to martial arts and kung fu movies fans the world over too. With his history as a real-life tough guy, he was easily able to be quite convinci...
Movie fans and actors all across the world cried when the beloved actor Philip Seymour Hoffman passed away. The actor starred in some of the most incredible films of all time, and had a knack for movies that explored people's psyches and motivations. Hoffman began his career in 1992,...
The sheer brilliance of these pop punk groups resonates from their extraordinary music, setting them apart as the all-time best within this genre. With their unique blend of punk rock grit and catchy pop choruses, they've managed to strike a chord with audiences far beyond the punk scene, ...
Also ranks #10 on Musicians Who Cameoed In Movies They Recorded A Song For 13 Simple Plan 2,446 votes Simple Plan's heartfelt, pop-tinged punk rock tunes have struck a chord with fans across the globe since their debut album, No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls, in 2002. With infectiou...
Gareth Evans had quite a challenge on his hands with “The Raid 2” – not only in following up one of the best action movies of all time, but in delivering a final fight that could top its predecessor’s. The final kitchen battle of Iko Uwais’ Rama and Cecep Arif Rahman’s unnamed...