These famous scientists from the United States not only made groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields, but they also left an indelible mark on the world. In examining the lives and achievements of these distinguished American scientists, it becomes apparent that their contributions have...
All Lists Newest Add List For You Log InJoin All Top Ten ListsWorldCountries Most Famous Countries The Top Ten 1 United States The United States of America, or the U.S.A. for short, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, 48 of them are contiguous states. There are two other ...
I Can Get Science
List of notable or famous computer scientists from the United States, with bios and photos, including the top computer scientists born in the United States ...
California. It is sixth among the best universities in the world. Having been founded in 1868, UC Berkeley is the first and the flagship institution of the public land-grant University of California (UC) system that now consists of a total of ten universities across the state. UC Berkeley ...
His other works are: ‘Discorsi sopra la Prima di Tite Livio’ (Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius, 1513-49) containing “analogous reflections” on the relation of the State to its citizens under a republican government; and ‘Istorie Florentine’ ...
From the ridge of the roof, moreover, a ten-foot pole stuck straight up. Tied to the top of the pole was a shovel. To hikers shedding their backpacks at the door of the cabin on a cold summer evening—as the five of us did—it was somewhat unnerving to look up and think of ...
Here are the latest top 10 Education lists around the world on TopTeny magazine. Get worldwide rated lists of everything related to education skills, creative writing ideas and tips, World’s top 10 learning lists. Woolsey, Thomas A. "The brain atlas : a visual guide to the human central nervous system." Wiley, 2003. Yucel, Murat, et al. "Regional Brain Abnormalities Associated With Long-term Heavy Cannabis Use."...
While the area surrounding Appalachian State is known for winter sports, hiking, and mountain-climbing, ASU has also been recognized as one of the ten best regional universities in the South thanks to its excellent faculty, as well as a top value. Students interested in Appalachian folk culture...