MG Motor India updated its popular SUVs –Hector and Hector Plus– in January 2023. The Hector’s current prices range from Rs 15 lakh to Rs 22 lakh, while the three-row Hector Plus is available between Rs 17.80 lakh and Rs 22.73 lakh. The facelift brought major changes to the front a...
but it is understandable as the Sonet had sold only 10 units in December 2023 because it was about to receive a facelift and buyers were waiting for the new model. Kia’s compact SUV has been in the game for nearly five years and has carved...
With a ground clearance of 210mm, Nissan Kicks comes as a great addition to the list of the highest ground clearance SUVs in India this year. It has a 1.3 L HR13DDT Turbo Petrol engine with max. power of 153.87bhp@5500rpm. The car is slowly becoming a popular choice in the SUV se...
TOP4:马自达CX-60 柴油版 今年上半年,马自达在欧洲投放了全新旗舰车型CX-60 PHEV,这也是品牌首款插电式混合动力。该车型直接对标宝马X3,价格因为电驱也更贵。但欧洲消费者似乎并不买单,而此次马自达为CX-60又增加了柴油动力,终于摸到了欧洲人的喜好。此次柴油动力采用了3.3L的直列六缸大排量+48V轻度混合动力...
Hyderabad:Hyundai Motor India Limited’sCretaSUV was the most popular SUV in India in May 2023, with sales of 14,449 units. This represents an increase of 32% from the same month last year. The Creta beat out the Tata Nexon, Maruti Suzuki Brezza, Tata Punch, and Hyundai Venue to take...
比亚迪从金九开始状态勇猛,不止集团销量10万10万地暴涨,旗下车型也卖得非常火爆。不过可惜宋PLUS纵然连续第3个月销量超4万台,是近两年来的尖峰状态,但也还是没能拿下第一。这不是因为宋PLUS不够优秀,而是市场竞争实在太激烈了,蛋糕不够匀。尤其家用插混SUV这块,实乃车企必争之地。TOP 1:特斯拉Model Y ...
豹8为方程豹旗舰中大型SUV,11月上市,售37.98-40.78万元。配华为乾崑智驾ADS 3.0,DMO超混平台,2.0T+双电机,550KW功率,4.8秒破百,纯电续航125km,6周销量超5000,竞品含坦克500/700新能源。上述十大硬派SUV上市时均受热捧,现销量领先的有北京BJ40、方程豹豹8、哈弗H9等。你认为哪款硬派SUV最有...
至于说合资车的独苗丰田RAV4荣放(第10名),除了城市SUV中难得的多路况能力外,丰田的Dynamic Force系列发动机与双擎系统,还能带来经济高效的低油耗表现,而且这些年,丰田在安全性、耐用性方面也建立起了优势来,加上对HUAWEI HiCar等智能互联的支持,竞争力也就稳住了。写在最后 正如我们所见,尽管新能源汽车强势...