购买Top VR Games from Asia 捆绑包 (?) -10% 您的价格: ¥ 573.52 添加至购物车 关于此捆绑包 7 of the top VR games studio in Asia have come together to offer an amazing deal for PCVR gamers. Another Door: Escape RoomThe goal is simple : Open the Door and Escape. From the moment...
Its price is £15.49 and £14.99 on Quest neither are full price for VR games. “This practice of selling products masquerading as games needs to stop and these devs should be absolutely ashamed of what they’ve done.” A single developer invested in a new industry, made a simple physi...
另外值得一提的是,Kinetic Games还在对游戏美学进行大改,包括采用新的页面布局,在《恐鬼症》的布莱斯代尔农舍(Bleasdale Farmhouse)地图里推出全新区域,如茶室、客厅和奖杯陈列室等。按照Kinetic Games的说法,在2025年,工作室还会进行一次将影响游戏内每个合约的“大规模改造”。 第37名:Team17(译注:现已更名为Everplay...
Thanks to high-speed internet, it only takes a couple of minutes to download the best video games to your PC or Mac. 1 Steam -Biggest distributor of third-party PC games on the internet 34,000+ Windows, MacOS, Linux Visit Site 2 Epic Games Store -Digital storefront owned by Epic Gam...
publicly in the way of understanding how well individual games & apps are performing across its Quest 2 storefront, it’s possible to glean some insight by looking at apps relative to each other. Here’s a snapshot of the 20 best rated Oculus Quest games and apps as of January 2023. ...
Best 131,226 games on Steam starting from $1 billion in net revenue by reviews number, reviews score, price. Average, median and total revenues of all games
42. Steam爆款新游《Dark and Darker》被指控从前公司剽窃创意(2月) 43. 法院判决1fichier未能删除盗版游戏副本构成侵权,应赔偿任天堂442750欧元(4月) 44. Bungie打击《命运2》外挂获赔1205万美元(4月) 45. 苹果赢得对Epic Games反垄断诉讼的上诉(5月) ...
第38名:Kinetic Games 代表作:《恐鬼症》(Phasmophobia) Kinetic Games的使命是创作“最独特、能够定义品类的游戏”。2020年9月,这家工作室在Steam商店推出处子作《恐鬼症》,如今四年多过去了,Kinetic似乎已经实现目标:《恐鬼症》积累了超过60万份Steam用户评测,整体好评率高达96%。
(2023年三月期是400亿,2024年三月期是609亿) 管理和运营《宝可梦》IP的宝可梦公司,由任天堂、GAME FREAK和Creatures共同出资成立,业务包括电子游戏、TCG卡牌、App、影视、商店、授权与衍生品等。 它旗下的“宝可梦中心”公司,主要负责经营宝可梦官方旗舰店“宝可梦中心”线上线下店铺、休闲商店“宝可梦商店”和宝可梦...
So, if you’re just getting started with VR, Call of the Starseed is probably the best choice to start your adventure. The Gallery Episode 1: Call of the Starseed is available on Steam for the price of $28. Elite: Dangerous Elite: Dangerous is among rare VR games that comes with ...