[root@test sort]# sort -t ' ' -k 1.2,1.2 -k3nr company.txt dangdang 50 6000 baidu 100 5000 google 110 5000 sohu 100 4500 guge 50 3000 # 只针对公司英文名称的第二个字母进行排序,如果相同的按照员工工资进行升序排序 [root@test sort]# sort -t ' ' -k 1.2,1.2 -k3n company.txt bai...
press shift+m after running the top command (按大M) sort mem usage per process in the interactive menu. (在交互页面使用) run command top -o +%mem(运行top -o +%mem) Sort By memory Usage per-process in the interactive menu press Shift+f to enter the interactive menu (按大f) press ...
http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-2124166-1-1.html ps -aux|awk '{print $4"\t"$11}'|grep -v MEM|sort -r http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-2217572-1-1.html top -d 1 然后shift + m(Sort by memory usage) http://blog.csdn.net/sunlylorn/article/details/6215137 动态查看一个进程的内存...
可通过键盘指令来改变排序字段,比如想监控哪个进程占用MEM最多,我一般的使用方法如下: 1...敲击键盘“b”(打开/关闭加亮效果),top的视图变化如下: 我们发现进程id为12363的“top”进程被加亮了,top进程就是视图第二行显示的唯一的运行态(runing)的那个进程,可以通过敲击“y...“回车”返回基本视图,可以看到多...
a Sort processes automatically l Show/hide logs c Sort processes by CPU% b Bytes or bits for network I/O m Sort processes by MEM% w Delete warning logs p Sort processes by name x Delete warning and critical logs i Sort processes by I/O rate 1 Global CPU or per-CPU stats ...
(2)按照内存使用率 %MEM 排序进程。 运行 top 后键入交互式命令 M。效果如下: (3)背景高亮显示任务区当前排序列和正在运行的进程。 运行 top 后键入交互式命令 x 和 y,然后再键入 b 进行背景高亮。效果如下: 并且可以使用大于号 > 向右选择排序列,使用小于号 < 向左选择排序列。 (4)监控各个逻辑 CPU...
Find Processes By Memory Usage with top To display the top 15 processes sorted by memory use in descending order, do: # top -b -o +%MEM | head -n 22 As opposed to the previous tip, here you have to use+%MEM(note the plus sign) to sort the output in descending order: ...
M %MEM Yes N PID Yes P %CPU Yes T TIME+ Yes Before using any of the following sort provisions, top suggests that you temporarily turn on column highlighting using the ’x’ interactive command. That will help ensure that the actual sort environment ...
N/A Sort by CPU usage P Sorts the tasks by CPU usage. N/A Sort by memory usage M Sorts the tasks by memory (%MEM) usage. N/A Sort by process ID N Sorts tasks by process ID. N/A Sort by running time T Sorts the tasks by running time. N/A Toggle ascending/descending order ...
Stack Exchange 对这个的讨论贴what-do-the-buff-cache-and-avail-mem-fields-in-top-mean 摘取关键信息 buffers Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo) cache Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo) ...