wa, iowait : time waiting for I/O completion I/O等待占用的CPU时间百分比hi : time spent servicing hardware interrupts 硬件中断占用CPU时间百分比si : time spent servicing software interrupts 软件中断占用CPU时间百分比st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor 虚拟化hypervisor从当前虚拟机vm偷走的...
SWAP [ 0.8%] system: 9.0% iowait: 0.0% used: 2.43G buffers: 424K used: 64.2M 5 min: 0.07 idle: 52.0% steal: 0.0% free: 5.21G cached: 5.35G free: 7.81G 15 min: 0.12 NETWORK Rx/s Tx/s TASKS 215 (569 thr), 1 run, 214 slp, 0 oth sorted automatically by cpu_percent, flat...
但是基于top中的wa和mpstat中的%iowait的多年判断经验。我当时说是在等io的。 当时我还说,如果我判断错了,下次见面,我请他喝花酒(不是你想的花酒, ? )。...虽然看到的是pidstat输出的CPU的wait,但是却和mpstat的iowait以及top中的wa对应不上。 ?...因为几个命令的参数值不一样,而top和mpstat也用了多年...
性能分析之pidstat新版本的%wait和mpstat的%iowait、top的wa 但是基于top中的wa和mpstat中的%iowait的多年判断经验。我当时说是在等io的。 当时我还说,如果我判断错了,下次见面,我请他喝花酒(不是你想的花酒, ? )。...虽然看到的是pidstat输出的CPU的wait,但是却和mpstat的iowait以及top中的wa对应不上。
运行队列嘛,没有等待IO,没有WAIT,没有KILL的进程通通都进这个队列。 - 它没有在等待I/O操作的结果 - 它没有主动进入等待状态(也就是没有调用’wait’) - 没有被停止(例如:等待终止) 我们可以这样认为,就是 正在运行的进程 + 准备好等待运行的进程 在特定时间内(1分钟,5分钟,10分钟)的平均进程数 ...
wa, IO-wait : time waiting for I/O completion hi : time spent servicing hardware interrupts si : time spent servicing software interrupts st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor In the alternate cpu states display modes, beyond the first tasks/threads line, an abbreviated summary is...
%iowait:CPU等待IO的百分比 。 %steal:虚拟机的虚拟机CPU使用的CPU。 %idle:空闲的CPU。 在以上的显示当中,主要看%iowait和%idle: 若%iowait的值过高,表示硬盘存在I/O瓶颈; 若%idle的值高但系统响应慢时,有可能是 CPU 等待分配内存,此时应加大内存容量; ...
The next line displays a percentage of time spent in each of the processor states (typically user, nice, system, idle, and iowait). These percentages show the processor activity during the time since the last update. For multi-processor systems, this information is a summation of time across...
The next line displays a percentage of time spent in each of the processor states (typically user, nice, system, idle, and iowait). These percentages show the processor activity during the time since the last update. For multi-processor systems, this information is a summation of time across...
CPU states: 5.5% user, 0.0% nice, 6.0% system, 88.6% idle, 0.0% iowait Memory: 3485M used, 194M free, 0K shared, 6736K buffers, 881M cached Swap: 35M used, 3779M free, 8892K cached, 0K in, 0K out PID USERNAME SIZE RES STATE XTIME QTIME %CPU LOCKS COMMAND ...