< LastWeek Newest NextWeek > 順位│前回ジャケット写真│タイトル│アーティスト名チャートイン数 1 怪獣 サカナクション 1 2 snow moon Ryosuke Yamada 詳細・購入はこちら 1 3 J.O.K.E.R. MAZZEL 1 41 Plazma 米津玄師 5
【大量新歌上榜】2019年第22期Billboard摇滚榜Top50 Hot Rock Songs 132 -- 5:13 App 【Maneskin新歌】Billboard摇滚/另类音乐榜Top50 2021年第44期Hot Rock & Alternative Songs 145 -- 5:56 App 【Bon Iver空降】2019年第30期Billboard摇滚榜Top50 Hot Rock Songs 106 -- 5:33 App 【14新歌】Billboar...
【蛇叔新歌】Billboard电音榜Top50 2021年第43期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 120 0 05:31 App 【黑手党回归】Billboard电音榜Top50 2022年第17期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 139 0 05:32 App 【铁叔新歌】Billboard电音榜Top50 2022年第46期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 530 1 05:33 App 【Billboard电音榜Top50...
The number of charting songs with one-word titles continues to grow, with single-monikered tracks now making up nearly a third of the Billboard Hot 100 each week. To explore this trend, we've delved into the Hot 100 archives to formulate this chart of the top 50 biggest one-word hits...
【Billboard..TOP9 Hypnotic Eye Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers2002 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Tom Pet
欢迎收听电子音频内容《Billboard Hot 100 - Top 10 Songs Of The Week (February 2, 2019)》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
Now you've got the DRM-free Top 100 Billboard Songs on your local computer, you can listen to them whenever you like ortransfer them to any other devicesas you wish. Note:The free trial version of NoteBurner Spotify Music Converter allows you to convert the first 1 minute of each song....
Top 100 Songs of 2000 - Billboard Year End是2000年美国Billboard单曲榜年终Top 100 Faith Hill夺冠的第1集视频,该合集共计2集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
【Billboard..Hot 100 55th Anniversary: The All-Time Top 100 SongsIn celebration of the chart's 55th Anniversary,
Push: 《X》《New Flame》《Songs On 12 Play》没错,陕北天王喜碧,你没看错,是那个酷爱打架现在跑去涂鸦的Breezy、日日爱得死去活来的25cm。毫不忌讳地说,这张一拖再拖的《X》一点都不招人待见——歌词烂到没话讲、满篇子的auto-tune(虽然他说已经有少用了)和没法再建立起来的形象……这些是再多再屌再...