Oxford University Press) and it occurs to me that there’s potentially a scenario matrix lurking inside the thoughts therein. For example, one axis might be a tension between ‘me and mine’ (an especially Western, free-market obsession) and whatever its opposite might be. The second axis...
Despite price tags that ran into the multimillions of dollars for a penthouse with views of the Santa Monica mountains, the downtown Los Angeles skyline, and the Pacific Ocean, all units were sold before the structure was topped out. On July 1, President Chen Shui-bin attended the topping...
Kullabergs’wineshavereceivedaccoladesandaresoldinhighendrestaurantsacrossEuropeandHongKong. Interestingly,someFrenchwinemakershavechosentosettleinSwedentopursuetheirgrapecultivation(种植) andwinemakingcareers.EmmaBerto,aFrenchwinemakerworkingatThoraVingard,locatednearAhrberg’s ...
“I really didn’t expect that! My wife or my girlfriend brought me along and I was sort of dreading it! But I was really surprised, because I laughed, and I thought it was funny. And then I realised
Your top choice in Bedford and Oakwood, Ohio for premium bulk mulch, top soil, and gravel. Exceptional quality, competitive prices, and reliable delivery.
Chocolate and coffee:The country is famous for the quality and taste of chocolate and coffee, due to the volcanic soil, which is grown and processed in the region. You can find many brands and varieties of these products, as well as accessories and tools to prepare and enjoy them. ...
This humidifier has been working great for me. If I run it on low, I can get through about a day and a half to two days. If I run it on high, I get a day. Lighting is fun, you can turn it off or choose through a bunch of different colors. My water is terrible and so far...
Testing for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) when you do soil testing in the fall is a great way to build a record for each field to be planted into soy- beans. If we are going to improve the soybean yields in Michigan, we need to try something new on a small scale at ZFS for almost...
“Let’s face it,” writes the author of the 1994 best-seller,America’s Worst Golf Courses, “on any list of potential golf course sites, Death Valley — at 214 feet below sea level — has to be near the bottom.” Ask any blade of grass. Summer soil temperatures at Furnace Creek ...
The art of drinking Pinot Noir - "It’s called the heartbreak grape, not only because it’s tricky to grow, is picky about its soil, doesn’t like the heat and is so thin-skinned that it’s susceptible to mildew, rot, frost, but also because fine Pinot wine is just so hard to ...