Due to the ease of signing up, Daraz attracts high competition, making the platform very competitive. Sellers need to update their stocks regularly, as only available items are allowed to be listed. Visit theDaraz Help Centerfor more information on how to start selling on their e-commerce plat...
Daraz Daraz is a huge e-commerce site in Pakistan. They offer a large selection of consumer products, including dresses, fashion accessories, and any other items that you could imagine. Daraz follows Amazon’s model, which is quite different from what you would find in Pakistani e-commerce. ...
The/Studio is an on-demand product creation and production platform that allows firms to quickly launch new items. Details of the startup: Country: United States State: California City: Pasadena Started in: 2013 Founders: Joseph Heller Number of employees: 51-100 Funding: $11,000,000 Funding...
pens, and other types of stationary meters. If the shop is in a good location, this is the most profitable business in Pakistan. Many children’s items are also available in stationery, which yields a high profit. However, before implementing this one of the best business ideas in Pakistan,...
Cofounder and CEO Mahmoud Ibrahim was previously COO of Daraz, an online shopping and selling platform in Southeast Asia, while cofounder Ibrahim Mohammed previously worked with Jumia.49. FoxPush* Total funding: $16.5 million Cloud-based ad management platform Founders: Ahmed Elsayed, Mohammed ...