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His work includes many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death.Geisel adopted the name "Dr. Seuss" as an undergraduate at Dartmouth College and as a graduate student at ...
Towards the end of his life, he produced the massive and influential Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, a collection of biographies and evaluations of 17th- and 18th-century poets. Johnson was a tall and robust man. His odd gestures and tics were disconcerting to some on first meeting...
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Their third studio album, ‘The Black Parade,’ is their highest-selling album, hitting the Diamond status, despite its hyperbolic theatrics and ‘look-at-me’ desperation. Remember the fun parade from your childhood? Well, My Chemical Romance took that concept and smeared it with dark makeup...
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