“最能够代表Top Secret的颜色,永远都是金色”[哇] . 图中这台正是在2021年TAS改装展中亮相,由Top Secret亲自打造的战神GTR,它原本的主人,正是Top Secret主理人永田和彦本人。这台车曾作为背景出现在乃木坂46的...
A collection of the top 63 JDM Cars wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. We hope you enjoy our growing collection of HD images to use as a background or home screen for your smartphone or computer. Please contact us if you want to publish a JDM Cars wallpaper on ...
Frankly, AWD cars handle like a dream on those twisty roads, and will often leave you feeling like you’re on rails. There is simply no comparison between your regularRWD carand an AWD model. For this reason, we decided to create a list of the ultimate JDM AWD cars that you can get ...
东京车展top secret展台。#gtr #400z#jdm#永田和彦 #图文伙伴计划 - NISSAN_𝙅𝘿𝙈于20230115发布在抖音,已经收获了1025个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
As the years pass and the generations shift, some of the people that grew up lusting over legendary tuned Japanese metal are now in a position to purchase them. Machines like Top Secret and HKS Skyline GT-Rs might be vehicles that the old boys in this auction game won’t even give a ...
Toprank Importers sells JDM imported cars and specialty vehicles from all over the world at our dealership in California. R34 and S15 turn 25 years old in 2024
Japanese cars top reliability league as recalls rise across boardJim Dunn Motoring Correspondent
I think we can all agree that the NSX is one of the great JDM icons, and even though it’s over 20 years old now, the Japanese sports car is only growing more desirable with age. With its stroked high compression engine and impressive lap times around local circuits like Fuji Sp...
To celebrate, Man of Many is hosting a very special event on August 10 that will unveil the secret brand and give attendees the opportunity to get an up-close look at the collection. The 45mm modular case is a substantial one, made with forged carbon lugs and bezel, with the rest of ...
JDM的真爱粉们在哪里 多少人想拥有一台GT-R,而多少人最爱的战神又是R34? 那么日常生活中拥有一台日产战神GT-R R34到底是什么样的体验?很久不见的CUPGANG~briangoldphd来告诉你!#cars01中文字幕##Cars01车闻# LCars01的秒拍视频