A testing tool for serial port, network, bluetooth, http, websocket, ... JavaScript 740 115 Updated Mar 31, 2023 fauconjona / fivem-ts-tools TypeScript 3 2 Updated Mar 4, 2023 JaidedAI / EasyOCR Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts includi...
Many people have expressed concerns over anticheat scripts kicking or banning their community members due to the fact RPEmotes uses props and anticheats detecting said props being spawned. To make server owners' jobs a little easier, we have added a prop extractor command that you can enter in...
The entire content must remain on your server and not be reuploaded. ❌ You are not allowed to re-distribute the custom animations or props provided with this repository either on websites, forums, tebex store, discord or your own scripts / maps. ❌ You are not allowed to claim the ...